Ja walked back to the table with the ales and set the one with moon sugar in front of the Argonian and sat across from her. "My friend here is Kahl. He was just in a... spot of trouble, he's still recovering. Pretty handy with a blade he is though." Ja took a sip of his fifth or sixth drink within a few hours, he couldn't remember. "Now, you know this one is named Ja'Ranjo, but before I divulge what I might know, I would like to know a little bit about yourself and your companion. I like knowing who I'm giving information in case they could come back and damage me if I share something I [i]heard[/i] wrong." Ja sat his ale down and put his elbows on the table and put on his professional manner, something he learned from years of bargaining with ship captains and guards. "Now, what can this humble Khajiit do for you?"