Real Name: Alexander Nightly Alias: Bo Age: 15 Gender: Male Place of Birth: Texas Occupation: School/Student Physical Appearance: Alex is a brown skinned boy small (5' 6"). With an average build. He is skinny but makes up for it with his muscular tone. He has a rather slim physique to the rest of his body. He has curly hair that slightly curls over his eyes and also a smooth face and still appears to have not started growing much facial hair. Costume: [hider=Helmet/Mask][img][/img][/hider] Along with that he wears a dark red track jacket with a black undershirt. He also wears black cargo pants with dark athletic red boots. He also wears weighted (6lbs.) red wristbands and tape around his hand and fingers. Skills: -Advanced Martial arts and Staff training -Skilled in scaling buildings and basic parkour. -Quick and agile -A drive to improve and learn from others Equipment/Resources: -A hard metal black staff which is light weighted but still hard enough to hurt can split into two half halves which can be used to take on several enemies. -Special goggles that can sense heat signatures around a 20 feet distance. -A utility belt equipped with four throwing knives, and one prototype smoke grenade Weaknesses: -He is easily offended and gets carried away sometimes -He does not think plan through and usually trusts in his own skill -Is lightweight and can be easily picked up by any wrestler types -Cannot stand being in small spaces Base of Operation: Garage Biography: Alexander lived a normal nerdy life most of his childhood. Unlike others who played outside he spent most of his times reading comics and training. Sometimes he'd spend hours in his garage lifting and training to be a superhero one day. Although Alex was helpful and kind his brother was the opposite. His brother was a member of the masked gang that would go around causing havoc in the neighborhood. After being arrested his brother made a call to his family in jail to tell everyone what had happened. Before leaving he left one last message to his younger brother "Don't be like me..." Those word echoed as Alex spent endlessly hanging upside down from a pull up bar doing sit-up. At the age of fourteen, Alex finally built the courage to go and finally be like the superheroes he always read about. He mostly settled with busting petty hoodlums. A year later Alex's persona spread throughout the neighborhood and schools and he finally felt like a real hero.