Sharee gladly took the ale and took a drink. She was quite familiar with moon sugar and its effects and had built up somewhat of a tolerance to it. Not as much as the average Khajiit, but it was something. Still, in a few minutes, the euphoria would set in, though she didn't expect it to interfere [i]too[/i] badly with her judgement. Setting her drink down in front of her, she leaned forward, this time towards Ja. "You mean other than buying me expensive drinks? Well, hypothetically speaking, let's say I had a..scholarly interest in the refined version of moon sugar, the refined and illegal one. Let's say I wanted to find it, a lot of it. More than just for...personal use, if you catch my meaning. I am wondering if you would happen to have such knowledge, and what I would have to do to get said knowledge from you?" Sharee asked. She did not yet give out her name, and probably wouldn't unless he kept asking about it. Overall, she didn't trust this Khajiit for a second. Given how bold he was to approach her, she suspected him to be a swindler, so she had no intention of paying anything upfront for any information he gave her, if he gave information at all. With all the expenses they were having to incur, there was not much gold left at her disposal. She needed to save every septim she could, and even then, it would be cutting it close. She was completely reliant on their next target being a success, else she would have to just sell the ship and abandon the whole thing.