The streets were navigable, to be sure, but he kept a close eye on his shipmates as they roamed the streets like the awestruck tourists they were. He'd yet to spy an establishment that met his standards of cuisine but he was slowly coming to terms with the fact that the people ate differently in this corner of the world. The underbelly of the world was a constant, however, he knew that much. Unconsciously he worried of pickpockets despite knowing full well none of them were even remotely worth the trouble of robbing. "What do you make of that... Caesar?" He asked, stumbling over the new name as he final snapped and indicated a homely looking restaurant at the roadside. It was barely visible between the stalls and civility but the wooden structure held a certain humbleness that made him assume it was a place with a respect for individuals on a restricted budget. Knowing Louis, he dearly hoped the man intended to pay for his meal but knew that was betting on a particularly slow horse.