Killshade stood silent, his arms crossed as the young superheroine known as Apogee finished her welcome to the new recruits, which Killshade fell under, though he exactly didn't put himself in with these people. Several of them wore odd costumes, like something that you'd see in a comic book of the 1940's, but he expected some of them to dress like that, the veteran members seemed to be very well known among the general public, why not dress like a comic book hero, they were the personification of those. He didn't stay around to chat, as he mostly did not like having to make conversation, what was there to say? His name? Where he grew up? His favorite color? It didn't seem like the most thrilling of conversations, and besides, if anyone really wanted to speak with him, then they'd make an effort to find him. Killshade quietly went down another hallway, looking for the dormitories the female superhero had told them about. He wanted to set up his living space and he did that as he quickly found a barren room among the dozens that she had promised there would be. He placed his two large briefcases on the bed, then popped one of them open. Going through the contents. He didn't bring that much, one was full of clothing, the other supplies. His weapons and such. He wore his 'costume', but he quickly changed out of it, opting for something more suitable to exercising. A grey sleeveless shirt, black athletic shorts with swim trunks underneath and sneakers. He intended to spend some time in the Olympic sized pools he had been briefed about then move into the weight room, and besides, it had been quite some time since he had trained in a pool. He hoped he wasn't rusty as he tied his shoes, grabbed a towel, then closed his briefcase as he exited his new living quarters, closing the door behind him. After a couple minutes of walking through the hallways Killshade found his destination, one of the pools. He was the only one there at the moment, though it would not have mattered to him if there were others, he only needed one lane for his workout. He quickly changed down to his navy swim shorts, leaving his clothing neatly folded by his shoes. He exhaled, then dove into the clear blue water, breaching through the surface. He emerged from the water, took a breathe then front crawl swam towards the other ended, going quickly along. The former Army Ranger reached the other end of the pool, tapping it with his hand. He spun around, facing the end he came from, then started to swim again, doing the exact same stroke he did before. He continued this over and over, focused on going faster each time.