Noelle left the ship shaking. Good thing she was alone, as she didn't want to seem weak for being talked down to by Sharee. Still... Fifty lashes? That was going to hurt. Noelle had been cut a few time by blades, even had her ribs broken by a warhammer, but she had the magic armor to protect her and healing spells to undo the damage. She wasn't sure if Sharee was going to allow Noelle to do either with this punishment; it'll set a bad example for the others to see that Noelle could easily bounce back from the punishment. But it wasn't the physical punishment that Noelle worried about; it's that Sharee is going to tell everyone of her Illusions. Granted, everyone who's seen her in action knows that she is rather skilled with Illusions, but what they don't know is that a lot of them are enthralled by her due to her magic, such as most of the crew working in the Infirmary. If Sharee tells the crew of what she did to her, others might start wondering if they've been tricked by Noelle too. Some were, and others will seek ways to counteract her magic. That's going to be troublesome if she does need to use the illusions on them for some reason. Noelle tried to only focus on her work, but her punishment, and all that it implies, was stuck on her mind. "I need to find a way around this... Get on Sharee's good side the right way, or maybe try to convince her to forgive me..." Immediately was thinking of using her magic to enthrall the entire crew to her side and more or less overthrow Sharee. But not only did that seem rather extreme, the mana she'd need to do something of that scale was massive and well beyond her ability. Noelle only wants to get out of her punishment, not take over the ship. She could try to manipulate the other officers to taking her side, but how? With magic? That's what got her into this mess in the first place. Besides that, she didn't exactly have much to use to manipulate them. She could always use her body, but that strategy requires time, time that Noelle didn't have right now. And trying to escape now was out of the question; even if she'd be a free woman, where would she go? She'd be stuck here, with no one to help her. She'd have to use her magic to steal and make a living, and she'd much prefer to have stable housing. Noelle thought about every way to get out of her punishment but soon something caught her eye. She had been walking around aimlessly this entire time and she's now lost. "Dammit." Noelle would have to ask for directions now. She looked around but the city was oddly vacant. She heard people in their houses, but when she'd go up to a door and knock no one seemed to answer. "If I had a detect life spell I could just use that..." Noelle had to retrace her steps, but she had been so deep in thought that soon the trail ran cold. She was more lost than before. The buildings around here didn't even look like the ones near the docks. If she didn't know better she would think she had arrived in an entirely different city. Noelle continued to look around and did spot someone. Some people actually. Someone familiar. "Malakaus?" She could see the orc and two elves, both in armor and looking ready to fight. Noelle honestly didn't care much for the orc, but right now he was her only "friend". And she wanted to ask him why he was here and for directions. Hoping to quell the fight before it really begins she shot off a powerful calming spell towards them. It exploded in a large cloud of green magic. She knew for certain that the two elves had been effected since they sheathed their weapons and smiled like fools. She didn't know what had happened to Malakaus but she approached anyways. "I'm sorry gentlemen, my friend here just happened to be lost. I'll make sure that he finds the place he needs to go to. Thank you for your assistance anyways." The two guards walked away leaving Noelle and Malakaus on the street. "Now, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting materials for the ship or something?"