Malakaus was about to start breaking elf faces when something shot out at him. He raised his arms and got into a defensive stance expecting to be knocked off his feet, or at least getting hit by a great force. Instead he just felt... Oddly invigorated. He couldn't place the cause until he looked around and saw Noelle. He's seen her a few times in the Infirmary and has sent enough crew members to get patched up by her, either because they got hurt on the job or made him angry. He himself hasn't made too many trips down there and the only time he sees her is when he has to be in the same place as with the rest of the officers. This was important because she just made him lose a fight. He didn't even answer her question and instead started yelling at her. [b]"Oi, you damn poncy bitch! I was going to crush their faces!"[/b] Malakaus walked away in disgust. He still had the lingering feeling of skooma on him, but right now it only served to make him irritable rather than energetic. He'd occasionally look over his shoulders both to see if Noelle was following him and if he should just turn around right now, charge at her, and tackle her into the bushes and beat her to death for taking away his chance at fighting those elves. If he had taken more skooma this is what he would have done, but right now his anger told him to get away from Noelle rather than destroy her. Also somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered that he needed to find more Skooma on a ship, and was now struggling to try to remember the other details about the skooma ship.