Ah, keep forgetting to address the drone, thanks for reminding me. The way the star systems are laid out will, for the most part, be like a spider's web. Spread in several directions. "Dropping a drone in a star system" will be impossible unless we travel through that system. And if we travel there, any drone would be pointless to drop because we'd already be in the system and the sensor suite would be able to give the ship. Drones that our ship would be capable of producing would not be able to cross the gap of star systems to star system. We have only [u]one shot[/u] at each group of systems we pass by. There is a marginal probability that some systems from the previous report will still be in range of a system-to-system jump (think FTL and it's web-like design of traveling through a sector). I forget who posted about the drone but it should be edited appropriately. 3 was spawned preemptively. I don't want anyone making assumptions. And a lot of it has to do with my style of GMing these kinds of things. I prefer to be laid back and only address things when necessary, as opposed to regulating every action characters take. I would prefer action to be seamless and idiomatic to characterization rather than me having to die roll (though you folks are more than welcome to die roll your actions on your own if you feel that to be appropriate). As for your meal: eh, give or take. Jason could always have snuck food out of the galley, or snuck it aboard the ship on his own, for that matter. I'll leave it up to you.