The brief conversation they had so far basically seemed to confirm to Looting that all Prospitians were indeed overly cheerful friendly and naive. [CC] Started Tiddling Thievinggriper [TG] [CC]- Hey there! 8D I wanted to say hi! I'm Wily Neophyte! Who are you? 8) [TG]- Ugh are all Prospitians so cheery Wily? That has to get annoying. [CC]- Oh never! XD Besides, it is fun to try to be cheery! Be friendly, throw around a prank or two, its great! [CC]- Oh, speaking of fun, look at this video! [u]LINK[/u] He didn't even consider clicking on the link that Wily sent, certain it would be something cartoonish like talking squids constantly hugging one another or something. [CC]- By the way, wanna be my server player? [TG]- Ugh that video was just as sickeningly cute as I would expect from a Prospitian. [TG] But yeah I'll be your server player, easy way to make things as inconveniently as possible for you. By the way yo do know that if you win, you'll basically be killing everyone you know except maybe the four of us right?