Just gonna post my characters here in case I need to refer back to them. [hider=Cook] Name: Staz Age: 15 (Approximately) Appearance: He is a young red panda who is about the size of a domestic cat. He has white ears, black fur surrounding his eyes, a white muzzle and other white markings on his red-brown fur. His flank is completely reddish brown and his paws are completely black. His striped tail resembles one of a raccoon, only less bushy and instead of black and gray, his is reddish brown and dark brown. His eyes are the color of emeralds and his whiskers are smooth and always pointing downward. He wears a small apron around his waist that his mentor gave him and a pair of maroon pants. Personality: To be revealed IC Bio: Staz was originally born on a small, inhabited island in the Grand Line and he lived with his parents until he accidentally discovered and ate the Hito Hito no Mi or the Human Human Fruit, which gave him human intelligence and the ability to understand and speak the human language. Because of this, he was shunned by his family and he was left to fend for himself. One day, a pirate ship landed on the island and a pirate thought that the red panda's fur would sell for a lot of Beli, so they took the creature on board their ship. The pirate ship was eventually taken down by a marine ship and the marines took Staz along with all of the pirates' gold. Staz was then going to be used as a food source for the marines and he was sent to the kitchen where he met his mentor, a woman named Keko. Keko was the head chef of the ship and she took pity in the red panda. Instead of killing him for food, she gave him his name, Staz, and she decided to teach him all she knew about cooking. Staz immediately became interested in the culinary arts and he began to help Keko in the kitchen. Keko was the first one to see Staz's human-red panda Zoan transformation. Rather than being afraid of them, she wanted him to use his stronger forms in the kitchen. Though the other marines are afraid of Staz's powers and they don't quite understand them, they appreciate his hard work in the kitchen and they allowed him to stay on board. He eventually became the sous chef under Keko's control until her death due to old age. Heartbroken by the death of his only friend, Staz soon became the head chef and he vowed to become the best chef in the world. Special Powers/Weapons: Along with his elite culinary expertise, Staz's Devil Fruit allows him to transform into a human-red panda hybrid. He uses his human form for cooking but if provoked, he could also use his human form for combat. During his days with Keko, she created and eventually gave him a gift called the "Rumble Ball", a small, round medicine which gives him the ability to perform additional transformations for only three minutes. His other transformations include Guard Point, Sword Point, Arm Point, Jump Point, Heavy Point (His human-red panda transformation), Kung Fu Point and Monster Point. His He stores these Rumble Balls inside his apron just in case he needs to use them. Position on Crew: Cook [/hider] [hider=Doctor] Name: Janikki Age: 17 Appearance: She is a tall girl with short dark red hair that is styled into a pixie cut. Her eyes are the same color as pine trees and three small indigo rings are pierced onto the top of both ears. She is usually seen wearing a brown jacket that is too large and baggy for her, a pair of ripped up jeans and a pair of broken sandals. Various burn marks are visibly seen on her hands, arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, legs and feet as well as a tattoo of a sabertooth tiger's head, which is right in the center of her back. Personality: To be revealed IC Bio: She was born to a prostitute and a captain of a crew called the "Sabertooth pirates" and she spent a large portion of her life living on the ship with her father (Hence where she got her Sabertooth tattoo from). She was the only girl on board and she was well respected since she was the captain's daughter, though she spent a large portion of her time with the ship's doctor, Ruka. Ruka was a fishman that the Sabertooth pirates captured and was forced to be the ship's doctor, so he is hateful towards his captain and he often talks of rebelling against him. Jannikki would often assist Ruka with his work and she would spend hours reading all of his medical books as well as treat patients herself. Jannikki's life drastically changed when the Sabertooth pirates found a Devil Fruit, the Magu Magu no Mi or the Magma Magma Fruit, during their travels and the captain planned to sell the fruit for a large sum of money. At the time, Jannikki was only ten years old and she had no knowledge of what Devil Fruits were. She mistook the fruit for an ordinary piece of fruit and she accidentally ate it, which gave her the power to control magma at will. Jannikki was unable to control her newly found power and she accidentally used her powers to cover the Sabertooth ship with magma, which ended up sinking the ship and killing everyone on board, including her father and Ruka. Jannikki managed to escape the ship before it sank and she gained various third degree burns all over her body as a result. Distraught by the damage she caused, she vowed to never use her Devil Fruit power ever again and would instead study to become a great doctor like Ruka was. She is currently venturing from pirate ship to pirate ship in hopes of finding a crew that would accept her even after she killed a whole crew with her powers. Special Powers/Weapons: Jannikki's main skill are her skills as a doctor and she is currently practicing to become as great as her mentor. She also has Devil Fruit powers (the Magu Magu no Mi or the Magma Magma Fruit) but she barely uses them because she worries that she will hurt her allies and end up killing them. Position on Crew: Doctor [/hider]