It had been years since Monkey D. Luffy and his crew found the sacred One Piece and Luffy became the new King of the Pirates. Both him and his crew had been dead for years and the One Piece was hidden once again. Though the Pirate Age that they lived through was over, a new one had been born. Eager pirates of different shapes, sizes, ages and abilities set out once again for the chance to become the King of the Pirates. In order to find the One Piece, these pirates will have to venture through the dangerous Grand Line, a place that only Gold D. Roger and Monkey D. Luffy have conquered. Trying to stop these pirates, the World Government has long since expanded and gained strength both in numbers and in ability. In order to try to stop these pirates, various navy stations have been set up in both the Grand Line and in all four oceans; North Blue, South Blue, East Blue and the West Blue. One of these stations was a gigantic ship that was docked in between Water 7 and Enies Lobby. The ship itself was about the width of a small island and stood as tall as at least twenty elephants that were standing on top of one another. The World Government's flag proudly flew outside the magnificent ship and in all corners of it as well. Guards were positioned all along the ship's exterior as well as its interior, though their forces were not prepared to take in extremely strong pirates. This base's job was to prevent weaker, amateur pirates from advancing forward in the Grand Line. Working in this ship was a young red panda named Staz. He was the head chef of the ship's kitchen and he was in charge of ordering the other chefs around and preparing the more complicated meals. He had been in the ship for years and not once had he seen a pirate invasion. He was taught by the older men that pirates were evil and they were trying to destroy the peace of the world. Staz didn't know whether he should believe this fact without seeing a pirate for himself, but he doubted that a cook would ever be able to see one when he was slaving away in the kitchen, his home, all day. The kitchen had no windows, so he couldn't see the outside world though he wished that he could. He was unaware about any attacks unless they were announced on the loud speakers and yet, he wished he could do something about it. [i]I wanna be helpful too, but not just in the kitchen. I love being a chef, but I wanna help my shipmates in other ways.[/i] Staz thought to himself while he was cutting up tomatoes. Letting out a loud sigh, he dismissed the thought and continued with his cutting.