To say that she was exhausted was an understatement. A ship this size was never meant to be sailed by a crew of one and to get it this far had taken a great amount of effort. Fortunately Alicia knew enough about the local waters to be able to get herself out of Water 7 and on her way towards the next island. She'd packed some previsions, just enough to get her to the next island where she could buy some more supplies for the ship. She'd taken her savings as well as some family ornaments which she could probably sell, it wasn't like she was planning to go back there any time soon anyway. Although the thought of her parents made a knot in her stomach, making her worry and question what it was she was doing. But then she knew there wasn't a life for her back there, she'd merely a live a life within the walls until she was too old to travel. Either that or be made to join the military and serve a career in the marines. She exhaled a long breath at the thought before she looked ahead to the horizon, noticing a rather large ship which couldn't be missed. She spun the ship wheel, the Ocean Jay correcting her trajectory so that the bow faced towards it. If her thoughts were correct it was the large navel base her father had often mentioned, which of course also meant the opportunity for supplies. She'd not met many marines in her life and so she didn't really know what to expect upon her arrival. But she knew she wasn't guilty of any crimes... or so she thought, so there was no harm in visiting. The Ocean Jay eventually pulled up to the large naval ship which dwarfed her by comparison before her anchor dropped. Alicia then cast a rope to secure to the dock which thankfully was helped by the dockworkers who began securing the ship for her. When she climbed down the rope ladder she turned to be greeted by a squad of marines which marched up the dock towards her. "You there! state your business!" said the captain, or at least who she assumed was the captain of the unit. "Me?" she asked awkwardly, pointing a finger to her chest as she looked over her shoulder to check there wasn't someone else he was talking to you. "Yes you, who are you and what are you doing here" he said as they stopped in front of her. Alicia hesitated, unsure what to say or how to act before she eventually replied looking awkward and uncomfortable, "I-I am just... visiting, fooooor, supplies?" she said sheepishly, the captain raising his eyebrow before he gave a slow nod, "I see... and your name miss?" he asked. "Alicia... just Alicia" she replied thinking it might be better not to let on who her father was. The marine captain gave another nod before pointing to her ship. A small marine then popped out from behind the larger marines, correcting his glasses as he looked down at some kind of ledger. "The ship doesn't match any known vessels known of piracy sir" he said in a meek voice. "Very well then, please enjoy your stay ma'am" replied the captain before he and his men began to move away down the dock. Alicia breathed out a sigh of relief before she began to walk down the dock herself. Her hair lightly kicked in the ocean breeze, catching the ribbon of her black bow which caused it to flutter gently. As she walked she felt her stomach rumble, placing a hand to it as she considered food. "Excuse me" she called to one of the dock workers who turned to look at her, when his eyes focused he blinked and smiled, "Well hey there little lady how can I help you?" he replied with a slight red hue to his cheeks. It was now Alicia's turn to raise an eyebrow, "I don't suppose you know a restaurant around here?", the man placed a hand on his chin, rubbing it as he thought "Well there's the restaurant up on the second level... guaranteed good food, some even say the best in these waters" he replied, "Up the stairs and straight ahead, you wont miss it" he said finally. Alicia smiled and thanked him before she'd make her way to the place. It looked nice, even nicer than allot of the places she'd seen in Water 7. She made her way over to a table before sitting down, picking up a menu. She couldn't help but notice she was getting allot of looks from the others in the room who mostly consisted of marines. She had to guess they didn't get many visitors here that weren't passing marine ships.