[b]Name:[/b] Alicia [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Alicia][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/288/6/2/anime_girl_with_sword_by_kissedandtold-d4cwzbd.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Alicia was born to a noble family in Water 7 and for most of her younger years grew with a high expectation for achievement. She was required to take lessons in sword fighting as well as dancing and other art forms her parents wished for her to learn. She was home schooled by a hired tutor and was hard pushed to deliver nothing but the best results. Often the pressure of this would get to her, leading to arguments and disputes with her parents which she would never win. Her father was strict and was to be expected of a commodore in the marines which lead for many problems growing up as she never really got to know him other than the times he would return home. He never showed her his love directly, but often would show it in other ways through compliments on her work or the smallest of smiles before he'd take his leave from her company. Her mother was a softer soul and a beautiful women, she held a position on the cities council which was made to serve the mayor and assist with duties regarding the city. When Alicia turned the age of nineteen, her parents had decided to commission a ship with Galley-La as a present for all the hard work she'd put in over the many years of her upbringing. Thrilled with the idea of having her own ship, Alicia spent the next months it took to be built at the shipyards watching it being built, much to the annoyance of some of the shipwrights who advised her not to hang around there as it was dangerous. Of course she never listened and when the day came for it to be finished she was presented with her ship, named the 'Ocean Jay' as the figurehead represented the head of the Blue Jay bird and the ships color was painted with a nice rich blue. Although she was more than grateful for the present her parents had so generously given to her, she could no longer hid her deeply held ambition for adventure, to see the world and experience it for herself. Eventually she expressed these desires to her parents who were less than pleased, and in response began to discuss in private having the ship dissembled or sold to avoid their daughter from acting on her desires. Alicia discovered this plot and much to her disappointment decided she would leave the that same night before she could be stopped or the shipwrights could be told to hold the ship. Alicia had learned how to sail as apart of her upbringing, her father strictly demanding she learn so she could one day join the marines herself. It was this which allowed her to sail the Ocean Jay from Water 7 to the next island where she would begin recruiting for her ship. Sailing it a short distance by herself was just about manageable. But if she wanted to sail the sea, it's take far more than herself. [b]Devil Fruit:[/b] Supido Supido No Mi (Speed Speed Fruit) Alicia can move her body at super human speeds, be it movement or attacks. Her weaknesses aside from sea prism stones are restriction of movement. If she is in anyway bound or restrained she is unable to use her powers. [b]Position:[/b] Captain [b]Other:[/b] She loves tea, all kinds and will be seen drinking it at most opportunities.