[i]He was running.Panting heavily, occasionally coughing.The hoarse sound coming from his throat was betraying the ceaseless need of tasting the cold, refreshing liquid.He needed water – not only to satisfy his persistent thirst, but to also remove the disgusting layer of sweat mixed with dirt and dry blood off his skin and half-torn clothes.In his full-of-thin-cuts hands, he was holding something tightly.As if his whole meaning was depending on whatever he was protecting with so much haste.It’s not as if he had any choice anyway, he had no idea where he was, what his purpose was. Everything was annoyingly blurry, mindblowing and dark.The only hint he could take into consideration was the rustle of the grass under his feet, which tells him he was located somewhere along the nature’s splendor.[/i] “Noah.” [i]He was tired, feeling how his muscles began to slowly ache.He twitched, trying to not mind the pain. By continuously running… Running...Until… There.Right there.Forward,at approximately one hundred feet away. The dim light coming from that direction did make his entire body gain the necessary energy to run faster and the delicate sound of a nearby water spot felt like bliss to his eardrums. Once stepping in the light, he could feel something smooth tickling his toes, which made him look down in confusion.Sand?Quickly lifting his chin up, he looked around in pure bewilderment.The new scenery didn’t look any familiar – the light of the full moon outlined the shore of a lake.Which meant water, exactly what he needed at the moment.For a second, he had been tempted to head further towards the source of the existential liquid, but something was stopping him from making any move.The presence of another human being…[/i] "Noah!" [i]Turning his head in slow motion, his eyes did catch sight of a feminine silhouette wearing nothing more than a dirty bra and khaky shorts.The girl was standing with her back towards him and since the intense darkness overshadowed her face and legs completely, it was practically impossible for him to recognize the person.His teeth clenched tightly, and without having time to reconsider, he made a step towards the girl before suddenly stopping, noticing the girl began to slowly turn her head over shoulders.The moonlight could reveal her moving lips only, trying to tell him something unfeasible to decipher.He furrowed his brows irritatedly as he tried to read her lips, soon giving up.There was no point anyway.Once she finished ‘talking’, her lips broke into a smug smile,which can be easily mistook with a seductive one.That naughty smile… it seemed familiar… it was…[/i] “WAKEY WAKEY, HOLLINGSWORTH!” In a split second, the brown haired boy’s body made contact with the cold floor which made him gasp and mutter some curses under his breath.Propping himself on his elbows on the hard floor, Noah made an effort to open his sleepy eyes and glare up at a blonde boy who was holding his red blanket.If glances could kill, the blondie would’ve already been burnt to ashes.A headache – caused by either the sudden awakening or the collision with the ground – did overwhelm him, but he didn’t mind that. “Fuck you, Greyback.” Noah mumbled, while rolling his eyes at the bright,refreshing smile of the other.” And wipe that smile off your disgusting face, before making me do it for you.”God, he would do anything to punch the boy’s seemingly innocent face, whose name had been Jacob Greyback.But he couldn’t do that, not to his forever comrade AND roommate .After all, they’ve been knowing each other since the 1st grade.Such a compassionate young man, wasn’t he?However, once he managed to get up, he couldn’t help but kick the other's leg – hard. “C’mon, you know th--ARGH!You crazy son of a bitch!” Jacob began to whine like a scolded little child, rubbing his leg soothingly.“For real, Noah?Is it ALL you can do?Fighting in this despicable Muggle way?Act like a man and hold your wand straight next time, mate.” As Noah was making his way to the bathroom, he stopped slightly and took one more glance at his friend, mentally analyzing the words that came out of Jacob's mouth.It wasn’t exactly a glare, but neither a friendly look.Without being aware, he found his face barely softening… Even thought he shows an obvious displeasure towards his friend, he couldn’t help but be thankful for waking him up.Because that morning wasn’t an usual one and with him being a heavy sleeper, it wouldn’t be surprinsing to show himself up late at the breakfast .And that’d be the last thing he wanted to happen, considering the satisfaction he’d give to a certain Slytherin bitch... ---- Noah’s nose twitched in annoyance.The Great Hall – the well-known place where all the Hogwarts staff and children take part at the daily breakfast feast – was strangely noisy.Way too noisy for his liking.The reason wasn’t too hard to guess : that breakfast might be the last ‘decent’ one for the 5th year students.The next few days are going to determine which of the teens are capable enough to survive the Test and, why not, the fascinating yet cruel world of the witchcraft.The winners will receive the well-deserved applauses and praises, while the losers will have to stand all the others’ sympathetic looks and taunts. Stepping with confidence in the Hall, he headed towards his seat at the long table with lion-patterned covers while waving at some familiar-looking Gryffindors, earning the same treatment from them.Some of them – no, actually all the students – were already preparing themselves for a good yawn, expecting Dumbledore’s upcoming speech about the H.A.A.T’s rules to be a painfully boring one.Yes, Dumbledore recites the rules every single year a day before the Test [i]there[/i] ,and not before entering the arena, so to not waste any of his pupils's [i]precious[/i] time of mental self-preparation.How generous of him.Really. As Noah was waiting for the food to be served, his eyes unconsciously wandered towards the Slytherins's table studying their faces with his eyes narrowed . [i]She[/i] wasn't there.Good. Well, not yet, which is unfortunate. But he was content with having at least the morning peaceful, without having to bear with her idiotic ways of getting on his nerves.