Arlius reached for her radio just as the explosion went off. She took a step back, expecting the worse until Kali came around the corner back into the plaza. She released a sigh of relief at the sight. She then looked around spotting Alexa. The human could have gotten herself killed, what an idiot. She began to walk toward her until Raze started talking. Arlius put Raze in high respect, he was the only one of them who knew what they were doing. He told it how it was and he was not someone to mess around with. Arlius admired that. After Raze finished speaking Arlius continued her walk to Alexa. She was already bleeding quite a lot before she began running, but running dilates the blood causing blood flow to increase. She was lucky she stopped running when she did or she could have bled out. Arlius pulled out her omni-tool and was a little blinded by the white glow. It was quite dark out but she continued searching for the nearest hospital. "You... You shouldn't have... have uh.. run... It increases blood flow... We... we need to get you... you to a hospital now," she forced out. Arlius scolded herself for stuttering at such a time, hopefully she wouldn't be like this the entire mission. "I g-g-got us a.. a car... two actually.... we can't all fit... fit in one..."