[hider=Berserker][b]Servants[/b] Class: Beserker Spirit: Samson Master: TBA Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Insane Personality: Well there isn't much to say here, due to the madness enchantment. That said, if he hadn't have been placed in berserker, he would likely still turn near insane in a fight. Appearance: [url=http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-457595978.jpg]But without the axe, really[/url] [b]Parameters[/b] STR: A+ END: B+ AGI: C MAG: D LCK: A+ NP: C [b]Class Skills[/b] -Mad Enchantment C: Raises all Parameters at the cost of sanity [b]Personal Skills[/b] -Nazrite Promise B: Due to his vow with God, so long as his hair remains uncut, gains a boost to luck and strength. Should it be cut, the increase is lost, and takes much time to invoke it once more. [b]Noble Phantasms[/b] Name: God's Mercy Title: To die alongside the Philistines Rank: C Type: Anti-Army Description: Samson can looses his eyesight, and gains a boost in Strength. This can also invoke the Nazrite Promise, should his hair be cut. After he stops using the Phantasm, his sight will return in a few hours[/hider] Any Servant with High agility would likely have little trouble with him.