[hider=Detailed]I'm not going to be kind on this one. Alright, let's start. Small CS, so this should be relatively quick. Okay, the class. It looks to me that you have no sense of direction of where you want to bring your character to be. Why does your character become deadlier when they level up? Your character is a TANK. A TANK. Let me emphasize that. [u]A TANK.[/u] Tanks are meat shields, they receive tons of damage and do little damage for the sake of their team mates. This class will not work out at all. Right now? This class is a DPS class more than anything else just from the description. If you want a DPS class, change it to a DPS class. If you want a Tank class, don't be ignorant and listen to what Ike said to you on PMs and what I'm about to say to you right now. Let's see what catches my eye? Strengths: High HP, Strong Attacks, High Physical Defense, High Critical Attack Rate No. No. No. Not possible, you are a TANK. You want that? Go be a DPS and remove the high HP. A tank cannot have all four of these things, a tank sacrifices TWO of these things to actually be a tank, can you tell which ones they are? If not, Strong Attacks and High Critical Attack Rate. Those are for DPS, a Tank almost NEVER has Strong Attacks or High Critical Attack rate, sure, a Tank can land a lucky Crit Chance, but that's rare. Weaknesses: Low Attack Speed This is good, Tanks are meat shields, they do not attack fast, so good job on this aspect. Jobs: Blacksmith, Armorsmith, Alchemist Simply put? No. This is the holy trinity of the crafting skills, basically, and I don't think you can have all three of them WITHOUT it being OP. Instead, have your character know two of them and then have your character learn the third one (Alchemist) later on from another character. Passive No. You are a tank. You are not a DPS, you want your character to be a tank? Then stop trying to make him into a DPS class. This passive increases endurance, but in the worst way possibles. Tanks do not have critical chance, so landing one would be rare, and he gains back 20% HP back? Even on a DPS class, THAT IS TOO OP. At the most, it should be 7% for a DPS class if they had this passive AT MAXIMUM LEVEL. Remove this passive entirely and add in a better one to increase endurance/survivability for your Tank character. Active One This skill is great for saving some team mates and getting them off their back, but 25% HP at a cost? No. That is too high and that will get your character killed. Fix that ratio and turn it into something less, like 5%. Active Two Nope. This skill won't work, change it, and if you turned this class into DPS, that ratio is way too high and that time is also way too high. Active Three No. You are a tank. A tank. Not a DPS class, a tank. Do you want to keep this? Change your class into a DPS. Equipment List: Chain Armor, Great Sword, pike You are a tank. Would a tank be able to run around in chain armor on the battlefield killing his enemies with his OP abilities? Hell no. A tank would be the first one to arrive on the battlefield and be the slowest one out of all the characters but have the most armor and HP.[/hider] Edit: This was the revision before I edited it to be much more nicer and shorter.