Another inhabitant of the settlement, Nellie was her name, has been living there happily for awhile. The ageing woman was in her mid forties, she couldn't believe how time has passed so quickly ever since that first day. It was a heaven for her, there was a little library for her to go to and read in peace, away from the other inhabitants. Nellie was a huge book worm. On her travels she'd always try to pick up a few books from any abandoned buildings. Any genre of book would make her happy. She loved most of the other inhabitants as if they were family, they've all been surviving together, keeping each other safe & secure; that just made it easier to get along with everyone, but she did need her alone time. Her eyesight was poor enough when she wore her glasses, but this foggy weather just made if a hell of a lot worse. The right lens of her glasses was cracked down the middle. Got cracked during a little fight with a few clickers, nothing she couldn't handle. Before she made a new home in the settlement, she had a husband who had survived with her for the first five years of the outbreak. His death came by when they'd run out of food, he didn't want to die. He wanted to survive, so he'd quickly turned to cannibalism, tried to cut her up while she slept. Got a few scars from that experience, but she was able to overpower him. She always had a feeling about him, it boggled her as to why she married him in the first place or why she didn't just abandon him during the outbreak. Nellie shook her head, there was no need to dwell on the past. Her eyes were set on the floor as she walked down a little path throughout the settlement, taking her little morning walks, the weather wasn't going to stop her. A group of dogs came into view on the side of the path, near the storage house, she saw a young woman sitting on the steps. It was Jessica. Nellie smiled slightly at her. Now she was only a few feet away from the young woman and the group of dogs [b]"I didn't think anyone else woulda been out here, considering the crappy weather and all."[/b]Nellie said as she knelt down to smooth one of the dog's soft head.