The sun once again blessed the Earth with its soothing rays of sunlight, smiling down at the people with such joy and a beautiful blue sky. In fact, the weather itself was rather astonishing and would most likely be a very popular choice of topic of conversation, if the circumstances had been different. But the beautiful weather was neither interesting nor captivating to the passengers, who had found themselves stranded on a godforsaken island. Instead the chaos was spreading to every individual, leaving the passengers with nothing but confusion and anxiety. Thick clouds of smoke arose from the plane wreck, causing the passengers to instinctively take a few steps backwards. As the plane had hit the ground, it had caused a young woman, trapped in her seat between the unfolding plastic table and the seatbelt, to pass out in the middle of the mayhem. It was not until another warning creak from the back of the plan was heard, that she regained her consciousness. She blinked, momentarily blinded and slowly lifted her head from the seat placed in front of her. Feeling quite disorientated, she found herself trapped, unable to move. Unaware of what exactly was going on around her, she made an attempt to push the plastic table back into its place. And then she remembered the handcuffs, gnawing into her wrists and leaving her with a crucial disadvantage. Overwhelmed by the frustration, she repeatedly slammed her knee into the table, until it finally released its grip and allowed her to breathe. She immediately started coughing, gasping for air and in exhaustion, she leaned her forehead against the seat in front of her. “I need to get out,” she mumbled to herself before opening her eyes. With shaking hands she made an effort to unbuckle her seatbelt. Although the handcuffs made it significantly increased the difficulty, the desired clicking noise finally appeared and she quickly got up from her seat, only to find the police officers body in the seat next to hers. Without further hesitation, she searched his pocket in the pursuit of a key, which could unlock the handcuffs and free her. Hailey found what she was looking for in the breast pocket: a small key covered in silver. She struggled a bit with getting the key to fit in the almost invisible keyhole. It was not all that easy with tied hands. Nevertheless she eventually managed to unlock the handcuffs, after which she carefully made her way past the dead police officer in the seat next to her. However, when she reached the aisle, she tripped over some luggage and pretty much almost slammed her face on one of the armrests. She barely saved herself from a disaster by covering her face with her arms. Another cough left Hailey dry lips, before she slowly picked herself up from the aisle floor. She felt a stinging pain right around her ribs, which rapidly made her cover the area with her right hand. With the left, she grabbed one of the armrests in order to pull herself all the way up. The air around her was thick, asphyxiating. Filled with ash and dust, threatening with suffocation every second one continued to inhale. To breathe. Struggling, she managed to pull herself forward. Seat by seat. She did her best not to breathe, but not even the strongest self-control would be able to hold back the uncontrollable coughing, that kept on haunting her, causing a solid pain in her chest. As she got closer to the way out, she caught a glimpse of sunlight. The wreckage was in a horrible condition, several seats in the back was slowly, but surely burning out. Multiple windows were smashed. Clothes, jewelry, toys were just carelessly spread all over the floor, hanging from the seats. Some seats still had people in them. They probably died as the plane had hit the ground. It was like a plane of death. Earlier filled with life and laughter, now filled with nothing but burning corpses and misery. It leads you to wonder, if people even knew about the tragic accident. Did anyone know that the plane had crashed? That people were missing? She had almost reached her exit, when something grabbed her leg. She gasped and jumped back, which nearly made her lose her foothold. Her glance was caught by a person, a woman, trapped underneath a detached seat and an unmanageable pile of luggage. “Help me,” she begged with a gravelly voice. Her eyes filled with panic, the tears streaming down her face. Swiftly Hailey managed to wriggle her ankle out of the woman’s grip, pulling herself away. The heart was pounding in her chest, as she kept moving towards the exit, not leaving the dying woman many thoughts. After a few seconds had passed, she found herself lying in the sand, just outside the exit of the plane wreck. The screams were much louder out in the open. Aside from the burning fire, there had been terrible quiet inside of the plane. At a slow pace she was able to get back on her feet and increase the distance between herself and the wreck. Still confused about the whole event, her eyes got used to the blinding light from the sun. Feeling rather exhausted she laid down in an attempt to catch her breath. She could hear some of the other survivors fighting for their own, even others lives, while others were trying to put the pieces together and figure out what to do next.