[hider=Booker][img=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/2/25628/2461888-untitled-1.jpg][/hider] Name: Booker DeWitt Age: 38 Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA Based On: Booker DeWitt (Bioshock: Infinite) Powers: During his short time in Columbia he only managed to gain two vigors (vigors are potions that are ingested to give powers): Possession, giving him the ability to turn enemy machines into allies or get better prices from vending machines and Murder of Crows, which gives him the ability to summon crows and make them attack a chosen target, he can also use this power on the floor to produce a land mine variant that releases crows upon steping on it. However he can only use these powers when he has salts which were common in Columbia but not in London, so he has to go around herbalists and chemists to try and get some. Equipment: His trusty Broadsider Pistol (based on the C96 Mauser),his China Broom Shotgun (based on the M1887 lever action shotgun, just bulkier) and his Steamhook (based on the games skyhook), the steam hook not only acts as an efficient and deadly rotary Melee weapon, it also allows him to jump further and latch onto metal object due to it's magnetic hooks. Skills: He is a seasoned vetren of war and knows how to fight with a cold efficiency, he can handle any weapon he is given and excels in excessively violent environments. Bio: Born in New York to poor parents he chose military life at a young age, at the age of 16 he joined the 7th Cavelry and took part in the massacre of wounded knee. During wounded knee he was accused by his captain that he had American Indian blood him -which he did, so to avoid being villainized by his regiment he killed, scallped and burnt alive many native indians to prove he wasn't one of them, due to his grizzly actions they dubbed him "The White Injin" Because of taking spoils of war from his victims. He was seen by his unit as a hero but he didn't feel like one, so he left the army and tried to seek solace in religion, he was to baptized but refused at the last moments, saying that: 'a dunk in a river couldn't wash away his sins.'. After sometime in destitution Booker found a job working for Pinkertons Nationol Detective Agency, during his time there he was known for putting down worker strikes with cruel efficiency. After his wife died he fell into deep depression and wasted his money on booze and gambling, accumulating him a lot of debt, so he was offered a job to pay it off. He had to get Elizibeth out of Columbia, so he reluctantly tried to do so. After a wild few hours in Columbia he had managed to free her from her tower and they were escaping using the skylines but he fell off and the only way Elizibeth could think to save him was by opening a tear beneath him that dropped him into the foyer of the MI6 building, after time in recovery he joined the organization but still wants to find a way to get back to the universe he came from and finish his job.