[center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/US_flag_45_stars.svg] [b]The United States of America[/b][/center] [b]Excerpts From an Address to Congress[/b] Gentlemen, it is a new century! This is the dawn of the 20th Century. Let it be a good one. Today, I would like to affirm that I shall be seeking reelection to the office I now hold, and that I hope the American people see fit to place me in this office again. We have long talked of the construction of a canal through Latin America, gentlemen. Many of us have liked the idea of one through the Isthmus of Panama, and yet in Colombia a civil war rages on. Should America not seek but to avoid this conflict? I certainly believe we should. That is why I would like to fully support the reconsidering of a canal through the country of Nicaragua. I know that such a project would be jointly organized, built, and owned with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, but I do believe that such a set up would be the best option in the long run, rather than having to wait out what could be a long civil war, as our own past has shown that they can rage far longer than we might think. Consider it, gentlemen. That is what I am asking, as I will soon be opening discussions with the United Kingdom. Thank you for your time. May God Bless the United States of America. [b]--William McKinley President of the United States of America[/b]