Yuzuru shook her head and blinked a couple times to get her brain back to functioning. Whoah...how long had she been standing here? Huh...it was almost like her whole little world came crumbling down due to the lack of Internet activity on the behalf of other people...what was she thinking? In any case, the small kiss on her forehead provided by Mao was evidently what snapped her out of it. Ignoring the red on her cheeks, Yuzuru waved her hands around much like a certain blue-haired midget. "Ah, thanks for understanding Uki-san! Now then, we should-eh?" Lorenzo and Kyakona were already engaging in beautiful warfare, spraying their water guns out and about. How did that go unnoticed? And then Kyakona started poking around the other club members, inquiring if they were alive....wait a minute. "Kya-chan!" The rise of volume in her voice and the small smile being the only indicators of her joy, Yuzuru glomped the other girl in a very cliche manner. Being the only other Otaku in the club, Yuzuru went ahead and labeled them both best friends, as far as this story goes. Actually...she was the Deredere. Wasn't there someone else just a minute ago....oh well. Hugging Kyakona tighter into her grip, Yuzuru began rambling while waving the hand holding her water-pistol to and fro. "Kya-chan, it's your fault I'm not popular! I mean, we barely synchro at all these days, and it gets bothersome to try and threaten the rest of the club with my mugen punches and my Z-Sabers! Right?" What?