Staz was sautéing some meat when he heard the other chefs talking amongst themselves about a girl that suddenly appeared at the station. None of them knew where she came from nor who she was. They noted that her ship resembled a pirate's vessel and yet, there were no reports nor any bounties of a girl that looked like her. Curious, he quickly finished cutting up the meat and slid it into a pot before stepping down from the step stool he stood on and rushed over towards a group of men that were peeking out the door that led to the cafeteria. [b]"Who is that? Is she the daughter of someone important?"[/b] Staz questioned, attempting to get a view but couldn't due to the men being in the way. [b]"We dunno. She just showed up outta nowhere and now she's demanding food. Someone go out there and ask her why she's here. She may as well be a pirate. They said that her ship wasn't a navy ship, right? So she's gotta be an enemy."[/b] One of the chefs, a large man with a short white beard proclaimed. The other men shouted in agreement and they were about to stomp out the door before Staz managed to get in front of them and held out a paw. [b]"I'll do it. If you guys do it, you'll end up scaring her. If she's here on business, then you'll get us in trouble."[/b] Staz said. The other men paused in their tracks and they watched the red panda walk over towards a table where pitchers of icy water were being kept. Using his strength, he climbed up onto the table, took a pitcher and slid down. Then, he proceeded out the door and used his tail to shut it behind him. He then made his way towards the girl and when he arrived, he hopped onto the empty chair across from her and then up onto the table. Pouring water into her empty glass, he smiled at her, [b]"Did you decide what you wanted to order? Everything here is made to perfection, so if you don't like it, you don't have to give us a tip."[/b] he chuckled nervously.