Alicia continued to observe the menu as she sat at the table, her eyes moving back and forth between the small descriptions which explained each dish. She found it hard not to want them all as each sounded just as good as the next. She also couldn't help but keep a hold of the menu even after she had chosen her dish as it made for a good barrier between her and the marines who seemed way too interested in what she was doing here. At one point she wondered if she was in the right place or if she hadn't accidentally wondered into the mess hall of a marine ship or something. She placed the menu down and very lightly coughed into her hand, causing those who had been starting to quickly look away as they whistled to themselves. It was then that a voice stole her attention, causing her to look left to the source of the voice. Upon focusing she jumped, letting out a "Gah!!" as she raised her arm as a reaction as if shielding herself. When she recomposed she slowly relaxed, "Y-You're... a talking bear?" she stated almost too herself, seeming to need a moment to come to terms with what she was talking too. It took a minute for it to really sink in but when it did she couldn't help but slowly smile, leaning forwards a little as her eyes observed him curiously, "Well aren't you just the cutest thing" she said after realizing he was no threat to her. She looked briefly to the table and noticed he'd filled her glass. "And thank you for the water" she said, taking the glass and raising it to her lips to take a small sip. It had been a while since she'd drank anything after leaving Water 7.