[center]"Don't ignore me tin man! Oy!" The small man put up even more of a fuss, feebly pounding on one of Factorio's metal legs with his little hairy fists. "Ya don't wanna make me angry! Ya hear me up there?!" Steam fizzled off the impish mans forehead as the robot stepped over him to the blackjack table, where a vested dealer passed out hands to each of the varied gentlemen before him. "Here you go my good sir!" Declared Sin, appearing from behind the sleek bar counter with a mead ready for the approaching dwarf. He handed off the drink before disappearing, with no one catching any sight of two mad men in tuxedos. The strange costume adorned by Sin reverted to his normal tux as he lifted the weary elf up and back into the dance. He chuckled through his nose a bit as she guessed at his species. "Oh my! What an fascinating conclusion! Incorrect, but great all the same." In another gentle and elegant spin, Mad Man Sin released Assallya back onto the cushion of the opulent seat in which she was before. "No I am but a lonely host, wandering the great nothing in search of...well something!" Suddenly, sin was wearing a golden crown above the brim of his top hat, waving around a royal looking scepter. "Maybe dancing and elegant music isn't quite your taste either. Are you in the mood for a show?" Another devious grin shot across his face as he turned to face the glass ceiling above. With his arms extended, he basked in the light of the cosmos as shooting stars arced through the obsidian sky. [/center]