Once the first room was cleared out, dragons and all, the humans began to retreat. Going no further into the castle as they had not been instructed to. Their king would take care of the rest, as well as he took care of them. Many would remember the day that he swooped down from the sky, a mighty fallen warrior seeking refuge in their cities. They had been fearful, fascinated and curious over this strange new creature who offered up biological weaponry that rivaled their own, missing links to the questions they had been asking for centuries, the promise of a better future. The flocked to him, wanting to repay his kindness, to learn of what had made him fall. And he told them of the dark ones. Seeds of potential chaos having infected others of his god like species, he spoke of his narrow escape, the treachery he had experienced and how lost he felt until he had stumbled upon them. They eagerly lapped up every lie that fell from his lips, hoodwinked by golden apples. They were a clumsy race honestly, a thousand years and they still hadn't evolved out of that. Brains to mush and families cast aside, they had to serve their god! Their king! As long as he was pleased, humanity couldn't be happier. So out they carried the seeds of the plague, like uninspired soldiers, they marched towards that carriers, large ships that had first carried the human race off this planet, returning for a trip they'd never think they'd make. Many of whom did not make it back and the survivors found no reason to brag until the cargo was safely loaded and strapped down, a sedative constantly admitted to each one, fifty guns and twenty tasters pointed at each evil seedling should they stir. Their king had plans for theses corrupt beings, he had assured them they would benefit from it greatly. At this point, however, the white dragon could promise them a chance at licking his boot and they would be happy. -------- "Hey Edge? I love you." The dragon whispered softly, back to his mate and eyes squeezed shut. He waited anxiously with bated breath for an answer, the minutes trickling by in a suffocating silence before he turned and glanced over. The human was very much asleep, chest rising and falling slowly in a peaceful rhythm. Path sighed, shoulders slumped in dejection; he had missed his chance again. His mate sure knew how to fall asleep fast, though maybe it was because of how...vigorous they were each night. He sighed and patted his stomach, feeling the softness that was already starting to form. His children, he gulped softly at the thought. He had never expected that he would find a reason to live again, to take care of himself without feeling guilty. His gaze drew over to the boy sleeping next to him, who had given him more than one reason. Gently, he reached for his open hand, intertwining their fingers and shifting closer. The heat from his lover's body was comforting though a little stifling under the heavy duvet. For the past few nights, he had been trying to tell him. Those three simples words, one less simple promise. Maybe it was because they were cooped up together, just the two of them or that he was currently carrying the other's child or a multitude of reasons. It was undeniable though that the white dragon found himself fallen for the hydra. To think, a hydra capturing his heart. It was more than just that though. The human had grown on him. He was annoying, overly curious and clumsy, but...it was all a breath of fresh air really from the reality he knew. Edge understood, what it was like to be cast out from a home, left alone in the world. He knew what it was like to think you weren't loved. Maybe it was Stockholm syndrome, maybe he was mad, he couldn't help it though. Edge had...reminded him what it meant to live, not just survive. Kicking off the sheets, he pulled the hydra in close against him, pressing a kiss to his forehead and watching amuse fly as his face wrinkled and smoothed itself out. It was alright he guessed, if he never got to tell Edge he loved him, as long as he had nights like this, "Thank you Mother, for sending me this." He muttered softly, wrapping his arms against the boy and tucking his head under his chin. Warm and safe, he closed his eyes. Things would never change. -------- The white dragon didn't seem phased by Forte's latest reveal. As the hydra rushed for for him, he stood still smirking until the blades came down and sliced through the air. He stood behind the hydra, "Oh, yes, you were not there to hear of how I improved myself. I have to say these humans are resourceful, who would think a few nanites in the blood stream could work so well?" He mused out loud, before Forte turned around to take another crack at him. The dragon avoided his blows easily, dashing over either behind him or to the other end of the room each time the hydra swung his swords. Perhaps his goal was to tire him out, either way, when the hydra finally paused, the dragon quipped, "Done already? I guess it is my turn..." He did not intend to waste his weapon on the hydra as of yet, not until those pesky mouths were out of the way. Elerium was a fragile material after all. Instead, he rushed the dragon,then side stepped to the left and ducked behind the dragon, going straight for his wings. Claws out stretched, ready to dig into the skin and rip it apart, "Do you know what it feels like? To have a limp ripped away from you?" ------ "WHAT DID YOU DO TO SKY!" The young dragon shouted, squirming against Leo. He could feel his brother still, panicked despite his silence and he himself was crying, afraid the same fate would befall him. As he heard Sila scream and buried his head against Leo's chest, afraid to see what was going on below them. Sobbing firmly in confusion at all that was happening. Why was it happening? What had they done to deserve it? Beelzebub was relentless, trying to claw his way up her leg as the roots entrapped him. Eyes blank, his only will to serve his King. He ignored the roots starting to dig into his skin like excited maggots over a corpse. Feeling it force it's way into his mouth and threaten to choke him, digging into his gums and drawing blood. Finding it's way to bone and infesting his body, the scent of something sweet filled his nose. The deadliest poisons were always the sweetest. He would not let up though, not disappoint his king. Digging his claws into her ankle, he smeared his own burning blood against her before he was shoved off. The substance boiling at her flesh, distorting it and turning the soft skin rough and ugly. Climbing up her leg slowly even as Beezlebub fell to the abyss below. Sila would catch up to Leo who had finally reached the top of the tower, panting exhaustively, he stared incredulously at the sealed up windows and the little post it note against the bricks, 'No escape'. How could the dragon have....He gritted his teeth. If he had mind controlled Beezlebub in his time here, he could mind control an oracle. He would have punched the wall if he wasn't carrying the twins, "We have to go back." He muttered, though he doubted there was anyway out of this.