Kali smiled to herself as she walked to Michael, no Ghost. Uppity he may be but he deserved the recognition. And if Alexa still had the energy to snark she would get better. Kali smiled at Ghost, "Alexa says thank you." Kali answered Alexa, "Indeed, that Sniper has a lot to answer for but I advise you get in line as you humans say. There's a reason I'm called the Huntress." It was very rare that somebody had been able to elude Kali but they never did so for long. One way or another that sniper would be hers. She promised herself that. Kali nodded in appreciation as she saw Raze tend to Alexa. She crouched next to her and administered more medi-gel as well as a minor sedative to ease the pain while still keeping her brain functioning enough to think clearly. She let Alexa lean on her for support as she looked at Raze and observed his rant. It made Kali grimace but she had to admit she could have handled the situation much better. He was right. Kali looked at Arlius and her genuine concern for Alexa smiling, "Thank you let's take her there now." The Huntress picked up Alexa in her arms with a grunt of effort. She had trained her strength for decades and could take the weight. However there was no sense pushing it. Kali brushed Alexa's hair as she passed her into Raze's arms, "You are right Raze. In that pursuit I was not thinking as clearly as I could have been. Now that I see where that line of thinking get's us, I'll modify my behavior at once. Kerr'Shal? Can you search through Yarsin's body and see what is found? Arlius, please retrieve his omni-tool and begin examining any data we can find." Kali looked at her teammates and said, "I know Kerr'Shal and Arlius don't want to be leaders though you are both extremely competent. And Raze I know you wouldn't have the patience to either despite your experience and skill ousting even mine. Alexa is more suited to physical action and not so much to strategy and leading, she would not be a good leader either despite how furious a warrior she is." She looked at Ghost and stared neutrally at him, "My plan called for us to have all the advantages to scout the area beforehand. You placed us all on a balcony and we were unprepared to respond and the team was not willing to listen to you. You may be a fine warrior but you are inexperienced in leading a team in such situations. " I have trained my entire life in this discipline. I'm not saying I won't make mistakes, you've already seen I can. But I believe that my experience and my mediating influence can mold this group into a coherent fighting force. I will listen to all of your opinions and consider them when the situation calls for it and act decisively when the need for swift action arises. We need to decide this in order to proceed coherently and I believe I am the best choice."