Name: Adrienne de Miroir Age: 17 Gender: F [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider]Personality: Adrienne has always been a prankster at heart, and her curse has done little to change this. She also holds a firm belief in existentialist philosophy. Disabilities: Because of a gypsy curse she's trapped in some kind of crazy mirror dimension and can only see through and be seen in mirrors. She can emerge up to about her navel, but no further, and if the reflection is seriously disrupted she's shunted back into the mirror zone. Equipment: A mime costume and beret that never seems to fade, tear, become dirty, or otherwise decay; a set of tarot cards; a paintbrush; a pot of paint that never runs dry (though anything she paints does fade after a few minutes or hours, depending on how much she uses); a pack of cigarettes that never runs out; a bottle of wine that never runs dry History: Adrienne was a normal girl in a normal household in a normal town in a small fiefdom, daughter of a glassblower who was always interested in mirrors. One day, she smashed her face into a mirror on accident. This amazed her so much that she decided to become a living mirror. Well, okay, actually she just really liked pulling pranks and, as a fool, she had free license to do so. She had been a mime for two years when she met Buju, and they soon became friends, then close friends, then a couple. Things were looking up until one day Adrienne pranked a traveling gypsy, who then cursed her, trapping Adrienne on the other side of the mirror. In hopes of breaking this, her and her lover signed on with the academy in hopes of finding a solution. Paired with: Buju Vendaval Emotional bond description: Star-crossed love Preferred element: Fire Casting style: Short [hider=Familiar]Familiar: Marcel Familiar species and pic: [img=] Marcel is a superintelligent flying cuttlefish that can live out of water. It is quite philosophically minded, and like Adrienne carries a firm belief in nihilism. Counter to Adrienne, Marcel's one of those really grumpy bitter nihilists who talk about how life is pointless. Or at least, it would if it had proper vocal chords. As things are, it is only capable of sharing its thought telepathically with Adrienne and Buju via the Celestial Bond.[/hider]Other: -She is a fairly talented mime, which comes in handy; while she can hear things on the other side of the mirror, others cannot hear her. -Her mime makeup? Tattooed on as part of her initiation to mimehood. -She is a skilled traceuse. -'mirror' in this case means any given reflective surface, such as polished metal and still pools of water.