The girl's scream made Staz stumble backwards and he nearly dropped the pitcher. He grasped onto the handle with one paw and held the bottom with the other while trying to reclaim his balance. Once he was settled, he placed the pitcher on the table and looked back at the girl. Her comments made him frown and he crossed his arms over his chest, [b]"I'm not cute, yah bastard. I'm the head chef and I'm also a pretty good fighter too. Fighters aren't cute, okay?"[/b] he grumbled, [b]"I'm also not a bear. I'm a [i]red panda[/i]. There's a difference."[/b] He knew that he shouldn't be so rude to a customer, but he couldn't help it. He felt as if his pride as a man was on the line and he refused to let her get away with calling him "cute". Staz nodded once she thanked him for the water and he stuck his paw inside his apron. He took out a small pad and a pencil and he placed the point of the pencil into the paper, [b]"So, did you decide what you wanted? And also, um, it's not my place to ask, but the others were wondering who you were."[/b] He peered over at the kitchen door where a couple of the chefs' heads were peeking out. They had witnessed the entire thing and some of them were giggling to themselves, [b]"Did the commander send you? Are you his fiancee or something? I know he's into younger girls, but not [i]this[/i] young! Hmm, maybe you're his kid? I dunno if he was ever married, but I don't know much about him. I'm in the kitchen all day so I don't go out much."[/b] The red panda looked around his surroundings for a moment before leaning in towards her ear, [b]"Are you a pirate? 'Cause if you are, you should leave as soon as possible. If anyone finds out you're a pirate, they'll capture you and hand you over to the Government."[/b] he asked softly, so the others wouldn't hear.