Alicia couldn't help but smile at the panda despite his protests of not being cute and being a good fighter. She couldn't help but give a small giggle as she held the glass between her hands. As the panda continued to speak her smile faded slightly, causing her to eventually place the glass back down on the table with a small [i]'thud'[/i]. She also couldn't help but raise her eyebrow as he mentioned about her being the commanders fiancee before then suggesting she was his daughter. She held up her hand before her smile returned, "None of those, I don't know the commander here at all... in fact I don't know that much about the marines" she lied. Well it was half true anyway, while she didn't know that much about the marines she knew a little from the stories her father bought home. Not that he ever really spoke to her or her mother openly about it, sometimes he would have friends over and she'd eavesdrop on their conversations. If not just to find out a little more about her father. When the panda asked if she was a pirate she gave a small smirk, "Well what if I am? these guys don't look too tough" she commented as she rested her head in her hand which rested up upon the side of the table. Little known to many people and even those she'd call friends back home, Alicia was a user of a Devil Fruit, something her parents felt was necessary for when she'd join the marines. They thought it would help her assume a higher ranking position if she could demonstrate power and usefulness to the world Government. It was because of this that Alicia couldn't feel too threatened by those around her, but then she wasn't naive. There was every possibility that another on the ship was a user, especially since one was having a chat with her right now. But as it was, Alicia wasn't looking for a fight and certainly wasn't looking for trouble. Although the mention of pirate intrigued her. She hadn't considered that when she set off from Water 7 and if she tried to pass herself off as a merchant vessel she'd draw in other pirates like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it might be best to run with the pirate thing after all. "I'll have your soup please, and a couple rice cakes" she said politely before she took out a small pouch, placing the berries on the table. "As for my reasons for being here, I'm looking to supply my ship before setting off to find a crew. After all my ship can't sail itself and I can't sail her alone across the Grand Line" she said casually. "When you're finished in the kitchen would it be ok if we spoke more? you've been very kind to me mister panda and I'd like to ask you some questions" she said, maintaining her smile. She thought it might be a good idea to learn about the local islands since she didn't have a navigator, but right now her stomach was growling.