MC listened vaguely to what Thomas had to say after he took the cookie, while Light was paying more attention and would probably tell him what was going on later. MC had a few comments to a few of Thomas's questions, commenting how his true name "Changed in a blink, or every blink." and listed off what it was at that time, most of them unintelligible, but a few intelligible ones such as Carl and Larry popped up every now and then, Light explaining how MC's chaos energies constantly changed that part of him, making it impossible for even him to use it in a spell. She didn't mention anything about hers though, although her void energies made spells hard to keep on her for very long. MC was visibly disappointed when Thomas cast their chaperone, commenting "I wanted to steal that transmute spell. Transmuting is fun!" And with a little tug from Light, MC followed her out to the main hall. "We'd better find something to explain these 'rules', can't have you trying to, and failing to, turn things into cheese for homeless again. Apparently thats frowned upon here." Light said as she waved to a couple of heroes passing by, them waving back without giving the pair much of a glance. "Oh yeah? Well I'm not... oooh, whats that?" MC said, drifting towards the Common room while stopping mid thought, completely forgetting what they were talking about and being more interested in the huge bunch of superheroes* in the room. Light followed him, a little annoyed, until she saw the room herself. "I could cause all kinds of havoc here I'd think. Not in the mood though." MC said as he lazily floated up near the ceiling and flew around the room a bit, looking at the various auras of everyone before returning to hovering over Light, gripping onto her shoulder as he conjured a few small balls and began to play various games with them. Light more or less ignored his antics however and made her way to the TV area, sitting down when she saw an action movie she liked. MC, bored with his balls, dropped them over the heads of a few supers, the balls exploding into confetti before they hit anyone, and began to look for something he could enjoy as well. unable to fid much of anything though, he decided to just fly around and conjure various objects for people he passed by. Of course most of the objects were stuffed animals, so most people didn't know what to think of the free stuff, especially the flaming speedster who had arrived a little while ago, apparently he didn't like fluffy spiders, or so MC thought as he zoomed on by. *(1) Fun fact, the word Super Heroes is copyrighted by Marvel and DC, so thats why people use Superheroes instead.