Jurgen didn't really lead the way this time. This wasn't his outing, so he mostly let Eve take charge. Since he wasn't up on the whole android-bar scene, the robot was left to do the searching on her own, asking several people directions after they arrived back in the commercial block. It took a bit, and the cyborg was beginning to think that they were going to get into some serious trouble, when another android was finally kind enough to point the pair in the right direction. The android claimed that not just anyone was allowed in. So of course there was no bouncer by the front door. Jurgen didn't see any sign of security measures, and the two of them got in no problem. Then he realized why the place didn't have security. It didn't need it. The place was packed with regulars, that much was obvious, and the man behind the bar was all they needed to keep the place orderly. He was a hulk of a man, for certain, but it was unclear whether he was like this because of his upgrades, or because he was naturally giant. Either way, his muscles were impressive, and the punch he threw at Jurgen's head likely would have killed him. Thankfully, Eve was kind enough to deflect the blow, and also make it look effortless. And now apparently the two were not unwelcome. The cyborg raised an eyebrow. "So you were just about ready to punch my face out through my ass, but now it's all good because Eve's actually an android? The fuck is wrong with you, man? As for who built her, I don't see why it matters, since she isn't for sale, and I'm not making you one either, not after that welcome." he said just enough to make it sound like he built Eve, but didn't actually clarify who built her. Hopefully she'd be kind enough not to point out that he had admitted to finding her in his living room. But more important than any of that, was how confused the cyborg was. This giant bartender had crossed the bar in half a dozen steps and tried to smash his head in without any warning, but finding out that Eve was not just some woman, but an android, suddenly made their presence okay. "So is this some members-only club, or what? I don't get it. You wanna answer some questions, bud?" Jurgen wasn't sure he wanted to stick around, and if the bartender called him "boy" again, he was just going to leave, answers be damned. If Eve wanted to stick around, that was her problem, he had better things to do on a night of relaxing. Things like, actually relaxing instead of going into strange bars and nearly dying, save for the grace of a surprise, mystery robot. That wasn't the kind of luck that Jurgen ever wanted to rely on, and home was sounding better by the second...