[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yRXjIH2.jpg[/img][/center] People of France, We prepare to enter our thirtieth year of the Third Republic, the longest governmental peace our country has known since the Revolution. The Third Republic's might stretches across the globe with colonies in Africa, South America, and the Orient. Our mission to bring the French way of life marches forward with ever growing successes. While we are powerful abroad, we must be powerful at home. The ever looming threat of the Germanic hordes requires France to stand strong, and for that to happen we must have strong leadership. Power abroad can not last while Prime Minister's and their government's topple at the rate of twice a year. The Third Republic was formed from the bitter ashes of the Second French Empire. If we do not wish a Third Empire or a Fourth Republic, we must reorganize our government. We must have leaders chosen by the people, to be held accountable by the people and the Senate. This is why I am calling for a [b]Constitutional Convention[/b] this summer. Representatives from all across France will gather here in Paris to give our government a written constitution that will let our people have a voice when they pick the men who will protect them and their families from the horrors of war. Vive la République and VIve la France! -- President Émile Loubet