The strange man stopped, surprisingly enough as Asher approached at a slower more docile pace; the man on the other hand was far from relaxed, and his hands tightly balled into fists and his eyes seemed to shift almost hysterically between Asher and the woman in the purple dress. It was as if the man seemed cornered - that look in his eyes, that wild, wild look. It was animal, easily, a mixture of confusion and borderline panic that wanted to tread toward fight or flight, restrained only by the man's obvious awareness of his situation. For Asher Tybalt these traits were alarming, and before the man before him even so much as spoke, Asher tried to calm him down for his own sake, as he himself did not deal with rampant - especially fearful - emotion well in the slightest. "I just need to make sure you're alright, you - " Asher began but the man interrupted; starting to ramble in a surprisingly coherent yet deeply alarming display while running his fingers through his hair and walking about a few paces back and forth. Asher, taken back by the words, had nothing to say - at least not immediately as the words settled within his ears and then his mind. [i]"Okay, listen. This is going to sound crazy, I know. But. Well, see. How do I put this?"[/i] At first this appeared survivable, but the strange young man's words quickly deteriorated Asher's confidence as they spiraled out of apparent control with the following; [i]"I'm a fuckin' werewolf man. Alright? Tell anyone that, and they call the police, and have them send me to the shrink. You know? But you get within a mile of me, and I just get this feeling man. You're like me. Right? I'm not sayin' you're a wolf too, cause you know, you don't smell like one, but you're like me man. Light of the full moon, body of the animal, and shit, right?"[/i] It was in that moment that Asher found himself on the same sort of precipice this man was earlier; flight or fight, but for Asher he knew one was undoubtedly going to have a more morbid outcome and the other was just going to arouse suspicion. Blown away was he by this, he remained where he was by the rear of the man's car for at least a few steady heartbeats before he reacted; what in the entirety of the world could he say to that? It was if this other man knew too much about him, but it wasn't even possible - it needed to be coincidence; there couldn't just be [i]more[/i] like him, even if they were so different like this man who had approached him in the coffee shop. Unaware that no matter how he was likely to approach the situation it would make no impact, Asher paused and tried to regain composure, shifting uneasily - suspiciously - in his business shirt and standing a bit more straight all the while changing his expression, he did his best to issue a reasonable, logical, "normal" response. His intent was not to, well, confirm the man's suspicions (as gravely accurate as they were), but to instead try and continue the charade he had worked so hard to live for a life time; a sense of normalcy... as much as a born ailuranthrope could have. "I, uhm," Asher paused, trying to grasp and clutch for words in his reply, "Listen, I can call nine-one-one and see if they can - " The "werewolf" started again, now starting to try Asher's patience which was already worn thin out of fear and concern for self. Trying not to escalate the situation, Asher stopped him after he began pleading for some sort of understanding from them both. In all truth Asher was torn between breaking into a complete dissertation about the man's "insanity", despite its reality, and simply trying to calm him down. Again trying for the latter, he stepped in, hands still open and trying to settle the issue. "I think you're just a little stressed out - we can talk about this, okay? Let me first just get someone that can, uh... help with that, like the emergency responders or police, alright?" To Jacob's eyes Asher was clearly playing games - this was an obvious facade and anyone in "the know" of the zoanthrope world who could "feel" the presence of another would know better about what he was doing. This was... different however, as Asher seemed to be trying to convince himself at the same time as to what he was saying was heartfelt and true, but his expressions alone betrayed him; their subtle hints of inner disbelief were fairly damning. Asher was clearly either afraid of admitting the truth or was doing his best to cover it up.