[b]Name:[/b] Alicia Tashigi [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Alicia][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/288/6/2/anime_girl_with_sword_by_kissedandtold-d4cwzbd.jpg[/img][/hider] The black star will be added after she is recruited and declares her loyalty to the captain. [b]Position:[/b] Fighter/Swordswomen [b]Personality:[/b] Alicia is very calm and gentle in nature. She likes to maintain a composed and relaxed sense of self and portrays this in the way she'll speak and act in situations. She enjoys having deep conversations, especially about philosophy or topics which provoke deeper thinking. She also carries an appreciation for art in all forms and enjoys beautiful scenery. Alicia proves herself useful in crisis situations, often remaining calm and putting her mind into solving a problem rather than focusing on the problem itself. That isn't to say she doesn't know fear, Alicia can become fearful and even intimidated if she's presented with a situation she can not win. This will usually result in her faltering in how she presents herself which will be when she looks for friends and those close to her for guidance. Despite her young age, Alicia appears to be wise, often reciting words of wisdom or thought provoking sentences in order to aid the minds of her friends. Some could say she is a little mysterious in some ways, although she makes no attempts to hide herself from those who seek answers from her. Lastly to note is Alicia's temper, while hard to provoke she does have the capacity and will usually lecture or scold the individual who has made her upset. Of course that's providing it's an obvious fault on their part. If it's a difference of opinion she might simply walk away to calm herself down if it becomes heated. [b]Special Skill:[/b] Incredible with the sword, Alicia is a masterful swordswomen who takes great pride in her skills. She is staggeringly fast and impressively graceful as each stroke from her sword is handled with the same delicacy as if it were a paint brush. Multiple opponents who challenge her in battle usually give her a wide birth when engaged with her, giving her room as to not fall prey to her sword style and technique. [b]History:[/b] Alicia was born to a family who owned a dojo which taught the art of the sword, so it came as no surprise that she too would learn how to fight with one. Growing up her father was far stricter on her than the other students who trained from other families in the town of her birth. Every one of her movements had to be precise, measured and perfect to the standard of her father, failure being nothing short of unacceptable. She was conditioned growing up, spending hours of her day in the garden training when she wasn't being home schooled by her mother. She would be asked to perform tests of skill, such as silencing the flame of ten candles with a single cut without harming the wax. Failure was usually met with a piece of bamboo to the back of the legs, or at least it was once she was at a level in her training where to fail was to not be focusing hard enough. For years this was the way he father raised her, training her in everything from how to predict attacks through the movements of the feet and how to look out for incoming attacks using the periphery of her sight. Every part of her mind and body was specially conditioned to create the best possible swordswomen possible. Eventually, on her final test her father ordered that she fight him and use what she'd learned. The fight was brutal and went on for an hour before Alicia found her opening, stepping inside of her fathers reach and bringing the blade to rest against his neck. Her father couldn't have been happier in that moment and once the test was over he finally told her the words she'd longed to hear since the very beginning. He told her he was proud to call her his daughter. Shortly after being awarded the title of master she was gifted with a sword made especially for her with her initials embedded into the metal of the hilt and her family sigil embedded into the metal on the blade itself. Shortly after she assisted her father in training students as some day it would fall to her to take over in her fathers place. However, Alicia confessed that there was allot of the world she wanted to see before taking on that responsibility and asked permission to leave so that she might live her life before she would take over as the grand master of the dojo. Her father gave her his blessing and after some heartfelt goodbyes she left her home town in order to seek her adventure. [b]Why did you become a pirate:[/b] She feels it is the best way to see the world and feels that if she can find treasure, she might be able to provide her family with a better way of living.