Just as the fighting seemed to calm down Tenjer sighed and took a breath. But then he oddly looked up, he could hear a faint sound coming from above. "aaaaa....." was what he could hear... as if someone was... falling? That can't be right... "Aaaaaaa", but it was getting louder... Then all the sudden a humanoid figure appeared dropping from the sky. "AAAAAAAAH!" whoever it was falling they feel to quickly for Tenjer to properly react and he was repelled back by a giant force sending him flying into a building wall. For a few moments later, all of his squadmates seemingly propelled back as well by the force... probably all unconcious from the blow. But standing in the center was the man he saw falling from the sky. The man stood there on top of a landing crater, as if he landed right on his feet with no issue. Before Tenjer could event say anything the man simply yelled "ODER BLOCKER BODY WASH IS TOO POWERFUL TO LET THIS ROLEPLAY END!!!". Jaw dropped in amazement, Tenjer could only watch as the mysterious man seemingly charged off straight at the enemy space by himself. No gun, no armor, just carrying a can of... body wash? The man ran up to the base and was soon met by a Shanghelli Zealot. He approached energy sword out... He spoke "Old Spice body wash can't beat the Convenant...". The man instantly exclaimed "WHAT!?", punches the Shanghelli down and goes "This one does dummy! It's super powerful Odor Blocker body wash!". He then charges into the base yelling "AAAAAAAH!". Aliens from all directions begin to swarm him, but he simply punches and kicks each of the aliens and their plasma shots aside masterfully yelling "Block! Block! Block!" as he does so. He get's to the rogue AI's main computer, he kicks it and the entire computer falls to pieces as he yells "JELLY KICK!", and then suddenly he screams "EXPLOSIONS!!!!!" and just like that the entire base explodes just as if it detonated a mini-nuclear bomb. Among all the rubble once the smoke goes away, the man is still standing there... Unharmed and holding his can of body wash. An fatally wounded Hunter slowly creeps up to him, only for the man to suddenly yell "POTATO CHIPS!", and the hunter suddenly explodes into a Vending Machine. The man punches the vending machine, pulls out a bag of potato chips and eats one to celebrate his victory. Then his chest muscles seem to twitch, making a engine reeving sound. Then suddenly he launches back into the sky yelling "POWEEEEER!!!".