Alright, hello my fellow RPers! I am Bobo, fabulous GM and gamer, I'm here with an idea; the Cove of the Sky Wanderer's Voyage! Even the name is awesome. It would basically be about how there is a random portal, that appears in random places of space and time. This portal leads to another universe. This universe is basically nothing but a large island in the middle of nothingness that looks like an Earthly ocean. On that island, however is no sign of life but plants, no things exist in this universe but the island, the 'ocean', and the plants that self regulate themselves. The island holds a cove, a small cave, that looks ordinary, except for one detail, any living thing that enters the cove is immediatly evolved in the universe's own way, which is the reason there is no life in the universe. The evolution basically would be [i]very[/i] otherworldy powers. Noone knows why the portal is there, and the few who do know about it have rarely ever found it, because the portal is only shown by chance. By chance, 4-8 creatures would end up the cove, and would gather their newfound abilities. They would meet and chat, and eventually form into a band of explorers, explorers who would spend their time exploring the universe, charting unknown regions, possibly helping out a few people, and having fun. Some basic rules would be is no ordinary powers, like shapeshifting, flying, strength, etc. This RP is for [i]creative[/i] people, people who can think outisde the box. Also, thereis no limit to how our character can be, as long as they aren't some sort of OP alien. Hell, it could even be a pirate or an old native american from long times ago, because remember, [b]this portal could appear in [i]any[/i] time or place.[/b] If you have any ideas, pitch em! If you are is interested, say so! We're going to need atleast four players before starting