[b][i]To be edited as needed.[/i][/b] [center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/2eecykz.jpg][/center] Welcome to Kobayashi’s School for the Gifted: a private academy for humans who exhibit supernatural tendencies. In short, it is a school for young witches and wizards. If you have received this letter, you are one of the lucky few students we are accepting this year. Congratulations! We are excited to have you this year. Upon joining, you will need to supply the following materials for yourself: - A wand - Regular school supplies - Clothes for off-campus excursions Everything else will be supplied to you as part of your scholarship. Remember, school begins on August 27th this year. We look forward to having you! Oh, and don’t forget to burn this letter when you finish reading it and keep your enrollment a secret. --- Of course, you will need to know your class schedule. [hider=History of Magic][center][img=http://oi60.tinypic.com/2ce140g.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Ms. Mori [b]Difficulty:[/b] 4 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] The History of Magic class is quite self-explanatory. Students will cover the beginnings of magic and its progression in human civilizations over time. The class is fast paced and requires the memorization of vast quantities of information. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] None [b]Required Class[/b][/hider] [hider=Enchantment][center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/5n3sx0.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Ms. Suzuki [b]Difficulty:[/b] 1 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] Enchantment is the study and practice of illusory magic. It is one of the easiest forms and any wizard can learn it without difficulty. The class is paced by a preset curriculum, however if the slowest student learns faster, then it will pick up speed. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] None [b]Required Class[/b][/hider] [hider=Summoning][center][img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/102rs07.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Mr. Yoshida [b]Difficulty:[/b] 3 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] Summoning is the practice of calling upon magical beasts to do one’s bidding. The class is paced by each individual student, as not all wizards are partial to this form of magic. Those who have the Summoning aptitude will be graded more harshly than those who do not. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] Enchantment [b]Elective Class[/b]; Only available to second+ year students.[/hider] [hider=Divination][center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/2598xab.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Mr. Hayashi [b]Difficulty:[/b] 4 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] Divination is the study and practice of reading the future. Very few wizards have the aptitude for this class, but most are able to see at least a few minutes ahead. The class is slow paced, but rigorous. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] Enchantment [b]Elective Class[/b]; Only available to second+ year students.[/hider] [hider=Hexing][center][img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/v8eqt1.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Mr. Tanaka [b]Difficulty:[/b] 3 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] Hexing is the study and practice of battle magic. Students will learn basic offensive and defensive spells to protect themselves in a fight. Wizards are usually only partial to one or the other (offensive or defensive). Very few are able to master both, so they are each graded more harshly on the one they have an aptitude for. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] Enchantment [b]Required Class[/b]; Only available to second+ year students.[/hider] [hider=Potions][center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/2elf1b6.jpg][/center] [b]Teacher:[/b] Mr. Fujikage [b]Difficulty:[/b] 5 (out of 5) [b]Focus:[/b] Potions is another self-explanatory class. Students will learn the basics of concocting medicines, poisons, and other such things. Any wizard can learn these skills, so the class has a set curriculum. It is fast paced and graded very harshly. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] None [b]Required Class[/b][/hider] --- When you join, you will be placed into one of the following dormitory houses. Your house will be decided based on your aptitude for each. [hider=Dragonhart][center][img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/2u92xxw.jpg][/center] [center]The members of this house are courageous and daring. The house colors are charcoal grey and crimson red.[/center] [center][img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/f9h7ow.jpg][/center] [center]Head of House: Akira Takashita[/center] [/hider] [hider=Wintercrow][center][img=http://oi60.tinypic.com/sglnbr.jpg][/center] [center]The members of this house are peaceful and nonviolent. The house colors are silver and royal blue.[/center] [center][img=http://oi60.tinypic.com/2ypi41u.jpg][/center] [center]Head of House: Shiro Hanabusa[/center] [/hider] [hider=Rowanstone][center][img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/257krpu.jpg][/center] [center]The members of this house are intelligent and creative. The house colors are midnight black and royal blue.[/center] [center][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/iycrqf.jpg][/center] [center]Head of House: Kentaro Ikeda[/center] [/hider] [hider=Adderhook][center][img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/30ayuja.jpg][/center] [center]The members of this house are cold and cunning. The house colors are midnight black and acid green.[/center] [center][img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ccwfad.jpg][/center] [center]Head of House: Dai Arakaki[/center] [/hider] --- [center][img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/29fcbc5.jpg][/center] The entire campus is yours to enjoy as a future student here at Kobayashi’s School. We encourage everyone to explore and discover new clubs, meet new people, and just have a good time. The only place restricted to student access is the basement. We kindly suggest that you stay out for your own safety and that of the rest of the student body. Thank you for your cooperation. --- [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] 1. All standard RPG rules apply 2. You may make no more than one CS 3. Romance is allowed, but please keep it PG-13 4. No OOC posts in the IC 5. Each post should have a minimum of two good paragraphs 6. Post at least once every two weeks, unless you pm me ahead of time to tell me if you can't [u][b]CS Outline[/b][/u] Name: (self explanatory) Age: (13-19) Grade: (first year-fifth year) House: (second+ years only. First year character houses will be assigned in the IC) Aptitude: (Summoner, Diviner, or Spellcaster? Does not mean you can’t join other classes) Personality: (1-3 paragraphs) Other: (optional bio, favorite food, unusual phobia, etc…) Appearance: (anime picture or description only) [center][b]Submissions are Closed[/b][/center] [u][b]Accepted Characters[/b][/u] 1. [b]Momo Hashimoto[/b] – [i]Summer[/i] 2. [b]Zakku Takeshi[/b] – [i]VKAllen[/i] 3. [b]Hikari Suzumaki[/b] – [i]Stranger[/i] 4. [b]Takezo Shingen[/b] – [i]Kush[/i] 5. [b]Akari Yoshida[/b] – [i]Silyan[/i] 6. [b]Eri Asami[/b] – [i]Alyss Dolyss[/i] 7. [b]Zaseki Motomeshorai[/b] – [i]Boboclown89[/i] [hider=My CS][center][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/2mer1vm.jpg] [b]Name[/b] Momo Hashimoto [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Grade[/b] Third Year [b]House[/b] Rowanstone [b]Aptitude[/b] Summoner [b]Personality[/b] Momo is a little more impulsive than most of her fellow house-mates. She can be quick to take offense or jump to a false conclusion, which often leads others to believe she is cold. However, despite her frosty demeanor, she really is caring at heart. In fact, the best word to describe her would probably be [i]tsundere[/i]. Momo was, of course, placed in the house of intellects for a reason. She is calm and calculating in situations that require delicacy, and she is quite smart. She doesn’t flaunt her intelligence though, as she thinks braggers are irritating people that don’t deserve the talents they were blessed with. However, she is far from perfect and occasionally slips up in her humility, especially in a heated argument. She doesn’t mean to fall into hypocrisy, she just doesn’t always think before she speaks. [b]Other[/b] Momo has an almost obsessive compulsive desire to learn new information, so she has developed an overwhelming curiosity about what is hidden in the school’s secretive basement. [/center][/hider]