Forte ground his teeth in surprise, an involuntary gasp escaping his lips as the other moved with speed greater than possible, even for their species. Only storm and keeper dragons were known to be that fast. And even then, they didn't compare to this. He struck relentlessly, uncaring of tact or grace. His movements were maniacal, unpredictable. None of them hit anything but dirty air. He paused, the dragon too fast to hit. Of course, the fight hadn't been fair in the first place. Relin had been enhanced by NANITES, something Noire told him enough about human technology for him to know exactly what they were. He knew he couldn't possibly win. He was playing a game with the AI on the highest difficulty setting. He was flipping a coin with one face. As the white dragon closed his claw around his wing, the fragile bone structure caving in, the knight hissed and all his mouths opened and whirlwinds were created as he vented out his pain and suffering. Unlike the white dragon, his wings were not lost. As a hydra, nothing would ever be lost to him. At least, that's what he had believed until he saw Beelzebub lose his free will. December's grisly foretelling became eerily more plausible. "I never needed my wings to help me fly..." Forte winced through the pain, then forced his swords into his body, mouths chewing gladly as the winds died down. Then, with one final roar, the hydra dove at the white dragon. --- Violet eyes sparkled wonderfully as their owner squeezed his body tighter into the space between the painting and the wall. He grinned giddily, knowing the object of his affections would be back any minute. The fire-birds were doing a lively mating ritual to commemorate the summer. The fire dragons loved summer, and so did Edge. Today was the midsummer solstice, but in the Fire Clan, it was the Fengxiuang Festival! And of course Regnum, one of the clan's most powerful males, had been chosen to dress in a fancy dancer's outfit and put on a show in the center of the city. Dragons from all over the world that were on friendly terms with the fire clan had visited just to watch his tribute to the sky and the fire birds who lived in it. Edge hadn't gone to the performance, wondering of t made Regnum sad not to see the savior. I he saw Regnum or vice versa before he confessed, the legend wouldn't work. It was said if you confessed your love on this day, you and you'd true love would be together until death. Even if you two were separated or brought apart, love would bring you back together. The young boy sighed dreamily with a dope grin on his face. He adjusted his red dress shirt and shimmering red slacks. Edge licked his lips. He wanted Regnum more than anything else in the entire world, and he wanted to be held in the fire dragon's arms forever and ever and ever! Ever since he had arrived, it was decided he would live in the center of their capital, where all the elder candidates resided. After he had gone hunting with Regnum, he fell for the handsome male. The fire dragon made him feel like there was sheep's wool in his tummy and it made him think of naughty things that made him blush. He spent a lot of time around Regnum. The young elder-to-be had an aura of heat he couldn't control that was constantly around him. T made him all the more desirable in Edge's eyes. Wings fluttering excitedly as the fire dragon's scent washed into the room, like chili peppers and potpourri, Edge changed hiding places to behind the door. As it opened and Regnum strolled into the room, Edge cried out like a warrior and tackled his long-time crush from behind, burying his face in the crook of his neck, trying to be seductive but only achieved adorable. "Reg. Num. " He began nervously. What if the other didn't like him? Or was already engaged? Hesitating, he quickly got off his crush and stated, "I confess my love to you! You're stunning and you make me feel warm and happy and I wanna be with you forever." Edge blurted out, then blushed at his own awkwardness, praying to the gods Regnum felt the same. He blushed as he stared at Regnum and he might have even drooled a little. So...attractive... --- Skylark didn't see what the others could. He only snuggled with Leo and tried to send his dear brother a message. Only the feelings of compliance and drowsiness surfaced. He crinkled his brows. Why was he so tired? He didn't know and didnt really care. He was blissfully unaware of their predicament, leaving Leo, Sanare, and Blizzard to figure it out.