[hider=Zakku Takeshi][center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/74263af040f7f17af009521ee4cdcf65/tumblr_inline_mnsfemEAJp1qldhit.png] [b]Name[/b] Zakku Takeshi [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Grade[/b] Fourth-Year [b]House[/b] Adderhook [b]Aptitude[/b] Hex (Dark Arts) [b]Personality[/b] Zakku's the kind of guy who is great to be around with. He's friendly, talkative and inviting by all means. He loves to talk to people and engage in a conversation with them. Learning about a person is one of his greatest joys that he could experience. His personality earned him many friends in the school and he looks like he's the popular guy besides the house leaders-- Where in reality he just loves including other people with him. His days before he got into the magic school was slightly different because of his skill in magic. As normal human beings are afraid to everything that is alien, Zakku isn't accepted. This process of alienation was what built his passion to become so friendly with others in the magic school. [b]Other[/b] His wand is called [url=http://www.thewandshop.com/Pictures/CMWEX9a.gif]'The Subjugator'[/url]-- A wand that does not yield to the wizard's attempt to cast holy magic. It also seems to be very attuned to Dark Magic.[/center][/hider]