Lumara peered under a table. The action was thought as endearing by other people, as they laughed and shook their heads. Others simply sighed and looked away. [i]Okay, okay. You have to keep calm. He's your king. You're supposed to be in bed with him to give him heirs to the throne, but... how are you going to do that if you can't even talk to him?[/i] even her vows were tense and stiff. It wasn't as if she didn't want to do this- no, she had to, and she wanted to. She had to bring honor to her House. She was a lion! Her House motto was "Hear Me Roar", and here she was, mewling and sniffling. No. She had to talk to that Stark fellow. What was his name? Archer? She stepped out from the crowd and trembled as she walked to the Kingsguard. Here she was, a fulling grown woman who had bloomed what, six years past, and she was still shaking at the thought of being in bed with a man she hadn't spent much time with. [b]"Hello, m'lord."[/b] she greeted Asher curtly.