All but one of the dogs excitedly ran over to her, frantically trying to lick her face. She giggled as she tried to pet them all. She looked over to Jessica [b]"I guess some people just don't like the fog, I certainly don't mind it."[/b] The settlement was quieter than usual, odd. Some people usually did stay in the houses when it was foggy, but there were usually at least a few more people outside that she'd see on her morning walks. She just shrugged it off, maybe she was just overthinking a little. Dogs were still trying to lick her face and climb over her, they got excited so easily. They didn't have to fear the infected outside the walls, the most they had to fear was not being played with by any one. Although she saw most inhabitants of the settlement as family, she really hadn't talked to Jessica much. Seemed like a nice enough girl, but she just hadn't seen much of her around. Maybe they could get to know each other a bit more now. She listened to Jessica talking about the immune girl, Ellie and that handsome looking guy, Joel. They seemed friendly, but the stories were getting old now and Ellie was starting to walk around the settlement like she was some sort of celebrity. [b]"Oh um, this is one of my morning walks. I take the same route every day and you just happen to be here while I'm taking my walk. Keeps me fit. The immune girl, Ellie, she's been walkin' round here like she's something special. We're all just survivors."[/b] she said as she was now lying on the floor with the dogs overpowering her.