He smiled at evrybody still a bit nervous and then looks over to Tanis Lucario. He nods and waves his hand a little and greetet Lucario just like it was another human. After that he looks over to the Sneasel and laughs slightly at the little pokemon that was glaring at Jeffery. Even tho his sneasel seemed quite unfriendly Jefferys Gastly was nothing like that. "You got me there" He says with a smile to the little pokemon before he turns towards Tanis Blastoise. He looks at the pokemon with the same smile he showed towards the others and gives the Blastoise a thumps up after it flexed it muscles. After mike finished greeting evryone he starts to introduce his own pokemon "This are my pokemon. Piplup and Ralts. Ralts really loves to hang on to me like that. He almost never lets go" His ralts by now climed up to his shoulder again and clinged to him and smiled as he gets introduced "And that over there is Piplup. Normally hes really shy and dosnt talk much but he seems to like you Lylah" as the introduction is finished mike askes "Hey are you guys maybe heading towards professor shinas house?"