[Hider=Akari Yoshida] [center] Name: Akari Yoshida Age: 15 Grade: Second Year House: Dragonhart Aptitude: Spellcaster Personality: Hotheaded, reckless, and a go-getter are a few words for Akari. She represents her house with pride. It's not uncommon to see her getting into an argument, she's prone to them with her big mouth. Her social skills are definitely not up to par, voicing her thoughts without a second guess. This usually leads to her hurting others feelings without really realizing it. Her pride also gets in the way of her sometimes, stopping her from admitting she may or may not need help. Akari is brave, to the point of being stupid sometimes. She lets her feelings get in the way, and doesnt like listening to people much. Its hard to get her respect and a few teachers are well aware about. Although she comes off as rough, she does deeply care about some people and has a soft spot for the younger first years. She:'ll stick up for them if she doesnt think they can on their own. Other: Akari has a weak spot for white roses and caramel. She also has a deep rooted phobia of insects and spiders, and she still sleeps with a stuffed bear. Appearance: [img]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQveuWcfWwcjZBptUnfdyHKBm61AwZL601Pkqh4nunr1-vHd4iHvy8k5po[/img] [/center] [/hider]