[quote=Chanda] How will you be balancing the skills in this roleplay? In my experience with Elder Scrolls RPs, without some system for what skills your characters has, some characters might become "overskilled" and severely imbalance the roleplay, like being a master of destruction spells and a master of hand to hand. Not like some ruleset with numerical stats or anything, but sort of like selecting major and minor skills for a custom class like in the games.A good friend of mine named Dervish (who is the bomb dot com when it comes to Elder Scrolls RPs in my opinion) came up with a skill system that we can use, and I don't mind explaining it if you're interested. [/quote] My ears are buuuurning. Good to see you're back around, Chandareno! But totally, if it helps people, feel free to borrow my skill system and ask me questions, I've had my ES game running since February last year with my partner in crime Leiden up there, so if I can help people have similar success and fun, then I am more than happy to be the wise old wizard on top of the mountain. My principle advice is to get players in the mentality that the RP isn't a video game and it's about storytelling with varied and interesting characters, then life will be so much nicer for everyone involved. Likewise, I recommend having equipment tier caps to encourage people to get in the mindset that they don't need to have Daedric everything to be a strong character. A sharp, pointy piece of metal is a sharp, pointy piece of metal after all.