The sun burned low in the sky, illuminating the busy streets with its orange light. Merchants, traders and professionals of all kinds lined the narrow roads twisting through the city, each crying for the attentions of any and all of the passing pedestrians, of which there were plenty. There was more commotion than usual in Capital City due to the arrival of several trade ships from the Earth Kingdom. They had brought with them exotic wares, ranging from spices not found in the Fire Nation to the latest Earth kingdom fashions in clothing and accessories to scupltures crafted by Earthbenders. Due to the long voyage, it wasn't oftened foreign traders ventured to Capital City, making this a considerable event for its citizens. There were also a string of other ships, some of mysterious origin, harbored in the bay. They were the talk of whole city, as persons of perceivably high standing had been seen coming and going from the docks. One of the ships looked to be from one of the Water Tribes, and its arrival had been greeted by officials from the city. Some claimed it was the chief of the North Water Tribe and his retinue, come to pay homage to the Fire Sages. Others said they were Waterbenders who had been thrown out of their tribe and come to join the Fire Nation, as well as countless other claims. Everybody had an opinion about it, but nobody knew for certain. Even though dusk was nearing, nobody seemed inclined to go home. The city bustled with activity like you'd see on a busy afternoon, and it didn't seem like it was going to end before sundown. Today, everyone seemed to have coin to spend. The city hadn't been this loud this late in a long while. In the midst of it all, two of the most active and loudest were racing eachother through the streets, possessing it seemed no qualms about whom they pushed aside or what they knocked over. Oblivious to anything but the race; each equally intent on winning. As the friendly race was progressing, however, one was clearly out-running the other. Toku, an orange-haired youth, was panting heavily as he struggled to catch up to Jael. The two had rivals as long as they'd been friends, always finding new venues to compete in. Whoever won, however, their friendship never faltered. Tuko didn't really know how they'd ended up with such a close connection, but that was how it was and he wasn't at all mad about it. Right now, though, he wasn't too delighted. He'd been falling further and further behind from the start, and now he could hardly make out his opponent through the horde of people. His spirit was quickly dimishing. Having been out all day watching all the commotion, his feet were getting sore too, and his reactions were slowing. Coming to another wall of people, he slipped between two large-stomached arguing traders, but crashed into a woman carrying a tray of fruits. The crate fell from her hands, spilling her wares all over the ground. Furious, she yelled at him to pick it up. But once his initial shock had passed, he leaped around her and continued on relentlessly, calling a hasted apology in passing. Finally pushing through the worst crowd, he came a crossing. Scanning the area, he couldn't see Jael anywhere. There was no way he'd win now, he realized, and stopped. Wanting a better vantage point, he scaled the closest house. Atop it he could see the goal line; the Loft. The Loft was a three-story, mostly ruined building which they used as their hangout. As often as not it also functioned as Toku's home. He'd named it himself. He could also see Jael, clearly standing ontop of it. Cursing, Toku admitted defeat and leaped down from the roof. He walked the rest of the way with slow steps, as he wanted to postpone facing Jael the victor with as long as possible. He knew Jael liked winning just as much as he did, and there was always some gloating involved. When he got there, however, he got a weird feeling. He found Jael standing on the ground floor. Something was definitely off, but he carried on regardless. "So," he said to Jael as he entered, "I'm guessing you're pretty happy with yourself?". He didn't answer right away, only staring to the side of him. Following his eyes, Toku jumped as he realized they weren't by themselves. Some stranger in fancy clothes had been standing outside his field of vision. He looked like a government official, or at least someone on important business. Toku joined staring at this unknown element. The man's quality clothes was an ill match with the rubble-strewn room. "Uhm… who is this, buddy? One of your dad's friends or something? He sure looks stiff enough," he asked Jael uncertainly.