Leon sprinted next to Shawn, as fast as his legs could carry him. Every now and then, he cast a glance behind to the ever-growing herd of walkers shuffling after them, all the while moaning and groaning and growling. Their car had run out of gas so they'd had to travel the past few miles on foot, and Leon's body was screaming for a rest. He pushed through the pain and just concentrated on keeping up with Shawn. Leon almost thought about giving up before Shawn pointed to a bar and suddenly they were both making a beeline for the business. They slammed the door shut behind them and immediately pushed a couple of stalls against the door, in an attempt to hold the walkers back. Like that would work. They just keep coming, they have no pain threshold. "Jesus fucking Christ, man! How many are there?" Leon yelled, noticing the infected had began banging on the doors and windows. The first walker came crashing through a window which made Leon jump backwards before taking out his baton. He flicked it out and set to work bashing the walker's head in with it. The weapon hit skull before more windows smashed and more walkers came pouring through. Finally, the door gave way and the main force of the walker herd pushed inside. He followed Shawn out the 'Staff Only' door and into the alleyway outside. Shawn pointed to the apartment block and they both ran inside and into the first apartment they came across. The duo shut the door and pushed the sofa against it. Leon drew his pistol and aimed it at the door, worried the walkers had seen them go in and were about to come crashing through. He heard the sounds of them shuffling past and further off into the complex, searching for Leon and Shawn. Leon holstered his gun and turned to see Shawn holding out a bottle of whiskey to him. "Fancy a drink?" He said, and Leon took the bottle from him. "Thanks." Leon swigged from the bottle and sat on the sofa they'd just pushed against the door. "So, we're now trapped in an apartment with about forty walkers outside, hunting for us. Now what?"