I started a new RP a little while ago on another site. It has gotten a reasonable amount of interest, yet most of the people say that they are too busy to join. SInce this site is newly back up, I'm considering moving it here, depending on the amount of interest I get. Please reply here if you are interested and can probably join. Here is the RP: [B]Note: You do not need knowledge of the game this RP is based on. I give all required information for the setting, storyline and history in this post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll add them here for other RPers.[/B] For decades, the Dragon Slayers have hunted down everything Draconic in origin or nature in the world of Rivellon. They had nearly destroyed every Dragon Knight in existence. Why would Dragons be so cruelly hunted to near extinction, you might ask? Why did no one besides the Dragons and their few and ever-decreasing followers try to stop them? For that, we will have to go far back into history: [hider=Chapter 1: Back to Rivellon]Divinity 2: Ego Draconis brings you back to Rivellon, a timeless world of awe and magic, torn and scarred by successions of apocalyptic wars. What the peace-loving people of the land did to deserve such terrible calamity, not even the gods can tell, but as any of their warlords will snidely say, the time to wonder and question quickly vanishes when the Lord of Chaos is slaughtering your kin, burning your cities and sowing the onetime fertile soil with salt. Twice this incarnation of evil burst forth from its hellish dimension to wade in valiant blood against the blackened sky, and twice Rivellon's defenders would not back down despite appalling losses. Still, victory brought no relief, for they knew that some day, the Demon would be back. And back he’d be, sooner than anyone could have anticipated, because, as is so often the case, evil festered from within: humans, loyal to the Damned Hordes, sought not only to ensure the return of their dark master, but to give his Demonic form human semblance, so that rather than to destroy Rivellon, he would come to rule her. This group, known as the Black Ring, were close to achieving their goal and would doubtless have succeeded had it not been for both the tireless vigilance of the famed wizard Zandalor and the startling fate of an unsung adventurer named Lucian. This adventurer, guided as he was by the forces of good, exposed the Black Ring’s sinister schemes and when the time came willingly underwent a daring ritual that infused him with the powers of the gods. So the Divine was born. Leaving but grim corpses in his wake, the avatar of light followed the enemy to its stronghold, nestled deep beneath the desert wastes of Yuthul Gor, where he stalked and killed every Black Ring elder until finally he and their diabolic leader, the Demon of Lies, stood snout to face. The fiend smiled and told the Divine he was too late: the transfer was complete and the Lord of Chaos would walk again. Indeed, behind him, on a large altar lay a newborn infant, a shell of innocence wrapped around a soul of utter corruption. The Divine’s sword saw the Demon dead, but despite being able to put an end to the vast plague that had almost brought Rivellon to her knees, he could not bring himself to kill the child.[/hider] [hider=Chapter 2: Damian - The Damned One]He named him Damian and for years the Damned One, unaware of the terrible forces that brimmed beneath his boyish exterior, grew up under the Divine’s tutelage. Until he met Ygerna. Sent to seduce Damian by her father, the Black Ring necromancer Kalin, she befriended the young man, who was instantly infatuated with her. Not only did she return his affections, but also his long slumbering powers. They practiced innocent spells at first, but later on more sinister magic, rarer incantations, and, most dangerous of all, they unravelled forbidden knowledge. For some time, Damian?s Divine foster parent was blissfully oblivious of Ygerna’s ominous influence on his son, until evidence connected her to Kalin, whom he recently executed. When questioned she confessed that she supported his rotten stratagems, the most important of these being the renascence of Damian’s dark, dormant powers. After hearing such hideous testimony, Lucian had no choice but to execute Ygerna in turn: the Black Ring never enjoys clemency, whatever the circumstances. Under the eyes of the wise, but worry-plagued Zandalor, the Divine’s sword severed Ygerna’s head from her body. Yet, at that prophetic moment, while Ygerna’s blood was still claiming more territory on the floor, Damian entered and gave voice to a spell that utterly stunned even that mighty ensemble: the spell of Soul Forging. Before anyone could react, Damian turned back and seemingly disappeared. The Divine knew his son would from then on be his greatest foe and understood that Damian had already realised a great deal of his black potential: he who can Soul Forge, is a stupendous adversary indeed. The Damned One walked again. As Lucian and Damian gathered their armies, Zandalor contemplated the repercussions of Damian’s acts. A Soul Forge is an exceptional enough event in its own right; a Soul Forge with a soul as it dwells amidst the few fragments of time between life and death, was unprecedented. Uncertain of the consequences for either him or Damian, he entrusted Ygerna’s body to the care of embalmers, forgoing the usual ritual burning of Black Ring corpses.[/hider] [hider=Chapter 3: Soul Forge, Battles, Ataraxis]Within days, the Black Ring and Divine Paladins clashed. Damian though, had eyes for Lucian only: he would show him the same kindness he had shown Ygerna. What he did not know, was that the Divine was ready for him. He would lure his son to a Rift Temple and, if all went according to plan, banish him to another dimension. Blinded as he was by his all-consuming wrath, Damian did not realise he was being drawn into a trap and soon he was locked away in shadow haunted Nemesis. The Divine returned to Rivellon, glad that the threat his foster son posed was eliminated, yet strangely mournful because he realised that despite the evil that had taken hold of him, Damian’s spur-of-the-moment Soul Forge was essentially an act of love. The Damned One however, made the best of his situation in Nemesis. He bode his time, grew in stature and power, until he did what most thought could not be done: he broke free from his prison dimension and initially overran the surprised Rivellonian forces. His thoughts were still wholly focused on one thing: to destroy the Divine and so revenge Ygerna. The war changed the face of Rivellon: for years it raged and one catastrophic event followed the other. Where once there were mountains there are now flat scorched plains and picturesque farmlands have been pushed up and turned into jagged cliffs. Nevertheless mankind faced its infernal foes with remarkable courage and tenacity. A decisive reason for their stubborn optimism was the new forged alliance between the Divine and the rare, but immensely powerful Dragon Knights, the last and elusive proponents of Dragon magic in the Demon-swept realms. Throughout the climactic battle, the scales of victory could have tipped either way. But then the unthinkable happened: one of the Dragon Knights betrayed and slew the unsuspecting Divine. During the confusion that ensued, the Paladins started to fight Dragon and Demon alike. Luckily Zandalor was able to rally the troops and so narrowly avoid disaster. Damian, who had already lost much of his forces and had seen his revenge materialised, ordered his army to abandon the field. His dominion over Rivellon could wait. And besides, he had other things on his mind. After the bitter stalemate that resulted, both sides took the time to lick their wounds and mankind prepared for yet another war. When this war did not take place after a year and not even after a decade, the good people of Rivellon were convinced Damian no longer posed a significant threat, started to relax and rebuild their lives. Now more than half a century has passed and though the Damned One still has a more than frightful reputation, he is regarded as a distant threat at best. Whether this ataraxis is justified, remains to be seen…[/hider] [SIZE=1][URL='http://divinity.wikia.com/wiki/Story:_Divinity_II_:_Ego_Draconis']Find the original copy of the history here.[/URL][/SIZE] Dragon Knights were hunted down and slaughtered by the Slayers over the years. The Slayers were praised by the common folk and other militia alike, as the greatest human warriors in existence. The distinction between Dragons, the true ancients, and Dragon Knights, humans imbued with dragon magic, was lost over the years and even the real Dragons were hunted and slain, though not with ease. Dragons were seen less and less over the years, and eventually the ancients vanished from the mortal world. Whether they were extinct or had gone into deep hiding was unknown. The Dragon Knights tried to show the people of Rivellon that Damian was still a threat to all existence and that they should be working together. But these suggestions were met with stubbornness and violence. For their own protection Dragon Knights disconnected themselves from society and they worked together against Damian, but after the Order of the Dragon Slayers were formed their numbers quickly dwindled. One fateful day, the last Dragon Knight in all existence was found by a group of Slayer and hunted down. With her dying breath, she cursed (or blessed, depending on your point of view), a young Slayer to become a Dragon Knight. Under guidance, he battled against Damian's army single-handedly (maybe with a summoned creature here or there). His Slayer training and new Dragon Knight abilities, including turning himself into a Dragon, enabled him to destroy Damian's floating fortresses one at a time, also taking down their generals. During his journeys, he found that the Divine had not actually been slain, but instead the 'Dragon Knight' who killed him during [I]that [/I]battle was an illusion cast by Damian himself. The Divine had then been imprisoned in another dimension. Our hero himself was imprisoned next to the Divine, after being tricked into resurrecting Ygerna, but he was freed later, not by Damian or Ygerna, but a dead ally of their who also wanted to be brought back from the dead. After defeating Damian, via killing Ygerna (if one soul-forged person is slain, the other dies too), the Divine was freed. As the people of the healer city, Aleroth, rejoiced for their returned leader, the Slayer-turned-Knight gave one final roar as he flew over the city and left. He has not been seen since he left 2 years ago, but there are rumours he is secretly doing good in the world, while waiting for politics to resolve themselves and word to spread to all the peoples of Rivellon that something being Draconic does not inherently mean it is evil. Other rumours say that he is in his legendary battle tower, waiting for the first brave souls to arrive and the worthy shall become the first of a new generation of Dragon Knights. Others say that he is finding the lost races of Rivellon, Elves, Dwarves, Lizards, Undead and Goblins who fled into far away lands at the start of the war, not wanting to be included in the Human's destruction. Yet some say he was slain by some of The Pure, Slayers who do not wish to accept that Dragons are good. You are part of a group of people from various walks of life who have gathered at the Phoenix inn (top center of map) in Aleroth to discuss going on a quest to find the Dragon Knight. --- [hider=Map of Rivellon]The area of it that the RP shall be in:[IMG]http://guides.gamepressure.com/divinityiiegodraconis/gfx/word/1741328656.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Map of Aleroth]Unfortunately this map is from during the game, during a massive battle. Just imagine those craters as houses.[IMG]http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110131234747/divinity2/images/d/dc/Aleroth_town_map_master_map.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Map of The Broken Valley][IMG]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091231093937/divinity2/images/9/92/Finished_Map.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Map of Orobas Fjords]Ignore the Anti-Dragon Zones. Those were just areas in the game which had defences that would kill you VERY quickly if you turned into a dragon. They are gone now.[IMG]http://images.wikia.com/divinity2/images/c/ca/Orobas_Fjords_Map.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Map of Sentinal island]Ignore the names of people and anything ending with "Totem", this is also from in-game.[IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100103011641/divinity2/images/c/c5/Sentinel_Island_Map.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] --- This RP is based in the world of [URL='http://www.larian.com/']Divinity[/URL] game series. Here are the games in chronological order (in Rivellon, not release date): [URL='http://www.divinitydragoncommander.com/']Divinity Dragon Commander[/URL] [URL='http://www.divinityanthology.com/']Divine divinity Beyond Divinity[/URL] [URL='http://www.divinity2-saga.com/']Divinity II: Ego Draconis/Dragon Knight Saga[/URL] [URL='http://www.flamesofvengeance.com/']Divinity II: Flames of Vengence[/URL] (it is an expansion pack) [URL='http://www.divinityoriginalsin.com/']Divinity original sin[/URL] (It is still in beta (only certain people can access it), so I don't know where on the timeline it is...) This RP is based after the Divinity II game or [URL='https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9998220/1/A-Dragon-Knight-s-tale']my fanfiction, a Dragon Knight's tale[/URL]. It does not matter which one you read/played because I am planning to have my fanfiction have a similar end to the game. It doesn't even matter if you don't know either, because they shouldn't affect your participation much at all. --- [B][U][SIZE=6]Other important stuff: [/SIZE][/U] [SIZE=4]Currency:[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4]The global [/SIZE]currency[SIZE=4] is gold coins.[/SIZE] [B]The Black Ring:[/B] Founded by a group of Dark Wizards long ago, this group of fanatics are loyal to the Chaos Demon and have tried numerous times to summon the demon, bringing an end to Rivellon. Every time so far they have failed. Each time they retreated into secret, biding their time till another opportunity arose. After their defeat by Amos and the Champions at the battle of Aleroth and the death of their leaders, Damian and Ygerna, they have once again retreated and nothing has been seen of them since. [B]The Pure:[/B] Since their founding, Dragon Slayers' entire purpose has been devoted to the finding and destroying every Dragon or item with draconic history. Training began from teen years and went on for many years. The reason for this hate of dragons was that they thought a Dragon Knight had slain the Divine. When the divine stepped out of the ministry in Aleroth, still alive and having been freed by the Last Dragon Knight killing Ygerna, the Slayers were disbanded, the majority instead serving as elite military personnel. However, a splinter group, lead by Rhode, captured farglow, the place where Slayers used to go for 'initiation', and have now set up camp. They call themselves 'The Pure', pure of all which is Dragon. Lucian has not paid much attention to them, since they are no immediate threat and it would be pointless wasting lives of his soldiers to defeat The Pure when so many repairs to all the major cities were still needed. [B]The Champions:[/B] The Champions are the biggest known military order in Rivellon. They are basically the law keepers, police and army of Lucian. [hider=Standard issue armour for low/med/high ranks] Low rank: [IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131109005819/divinity2/images/1/1a/Peavey.jpg[/IMG] Medium rank: [IMG]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131109001547/divinity2/images/a/a3/Paul.jpg[/IMG] High rank: [IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110211210150/divinity2/images/thumb/3/39/Character_Augustus.jpg/180px-Character_Augustus.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [B][U][SIZE=5]Important NPCs:[/SIZE] [/U] Lucian the Divine:[/B] [IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101123211319/divinity2/images/thumb/d/d5/Divine.jpg/180px-Divine.jpg[/IMG] Once an ordinary person, he was blessed with incredible powers and the status of Demigod. Since then he has been the leader of humanity across Rivellon, praised by commoners as a god. He is usually called The Divine. [SIZE=1][URL='http://divinity.wikia.com/wiki/Lucian_the_Divine']Full History.[/URL][/SIZE] [B]Zandalor:[/B] [IMG]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100512113709/divinity2/images/thumb/5/5b/Zandalor.jpg/180px-Zandalor.jpg[/IMG] An incredibly powerful and wise wizard. He aided Lucian in becoming the Divine and has aided many heroes against the black ring. He also aided The Last Dragon Knight, Amos, in saving Rivellon from Damian. He is currently Lucian's second-in-command. [B]General Augustus: [IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110211210150/divinity2/images/thumb/3/39/Character_Augustus.jpg/180px-Character_Augustus.jpg[/IMG] [/B] One of the Champions' generals. He is notably more cheerful and kinder than most other high ranking champions. He was one of the few people to accept the help of Amos on Zandalor's and the Dragon Knight's word alone. He is currently in charge of the Champions stationed in Aleroth, the healers' city. [B]Rhode: [IMG]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091222064147/divinity2/images/thumb/4/4b/Commander_Rhode_Hotty.jpg/180px-Commander_Rhode_Hotty.jpg[/IMG] [/B] She was the leader of the Dragon Slayers before the final battle to destroy Damian. When Amos entered Aleroth, she would not allow him ("it", as she called the Dragon Knight) into the city and wished to slay him, despite orders from a superior Champion, and was imprisoned. She now is the leader of the Slayer splinter group, The Pure. Her location is unknown. [B]Bellegar: [IMG]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110101183645/divinity2/images/thumb/8/85/Bellegar.jpg/180px-Bellegar.jpg[/IMG] [/B] Possibly the finest mage and best mind in Rivellon. However, he has a reputation of being dubious, since he is somewhat of a psychotic prankster. He also finds it amusing to almost always speak in rhymes. His current location and what he is doing is unknown to most except Lucian, Zandalor and a few others. [B]Amos:[/B] [IMG]http://www.tech.sc/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/divine-divinity-2-Ego-draconis-free-download-demo-version.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Armour and dragon form][IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080204191403/warhammeronline/images/4/4f/Prince_Tyrion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/10/oct/div.jpg[/IMG][/hider] The Last Dragon Knight in Rivellon. Before he left Aleroth, Lucian and Zandalor presented him with a one-of-a-kind suit of armour. The inlaid gems hold enchantments for various purposes, including strengthening the armour to be incredibly strong, despite it being thin and light to wear. Nothing beyond rumors is known about his current whereabouts or doings. [SIZE=5][B]Magic:[/B][/SIZE] For magic spells and enchantments, energy is usually drawn from the caster/user. Though there are methods of causing someone else to fuel the spell, though most are dark magic and all are very closely kept secrets. More experienced mages keep several gems with themselves, storing away any excess energy they have when not casting spells. The rarer and purer the gem is, the more energy it can store. Gems can also be enchanted to draw energy from the environment, albeit slowly. Although the wording for the spell is reasonably well known, how it actually works escapes even the best minds. Most assume it is from ambient energy, such as light. Depending on the strength of the spell and how long it is sustained, you could hardly feel it, you could feel like you just ran a marathon or you could die, sucked dry of all energy. The human body cannot create energy fast enough to sustain most spells for long. The strength and length (Go away Bellegar. :P) of the spells a person can cast depend on their physical endurance and strength, hence mages can often wield maces. However, Dragons and Dragon Knights in Dragon form regenerate much faster, seeing as they need to be able to sustain flight, often for extended periods of time. --- [B]Character Sheet[/B]: Please post your character sheets for sign-up here. Characters can come from all walks of life, except no royalty, high ranking chars or Slayers. I'm not allowing those, because I want some balance between characters. You can choose one of three primary classes that your character would focus on. Your character can do a few things that would be from other classes, but not nearly as well as things from their primary class. I'm fine with them learning new things during the RP, but they have to try (and fail) several times, practising before being able to do it. Here is what the general stereotype of each class will be: Mage (Wields maces or clubs and casts many spells) Ranger (Wields bows and can enchant their arrows for extra effects) Warrior (Wields swords and can perform feats with sword) Hybrid (Can use weapons/skills from any class, but obviously not the harder ones that require more proficiency in one class) Name: Age: Gender: Appearance (picture not required, but recommended. If there are discrepancies between the picture and your character, you can state them here as well): Class (The fighting type of your character. Mage, Ranger, Warrior or Hybrid.): Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: History (at least a good 2 paragraphs): Have you played Divinity II, another game in the Divinity series or read my fanfic? If so, which one/s: --- For the purpose of this RP, we are going to use the names from the actual game, not the ones I made up in my FanFic. All except the name of the slayer who got turned into a Dragon Knight, since the game allows you to choose the name (you play as him). So we'll use the one from my fanfic: Amos. One more thing: Those "shrines" you see around the place are basically teleporters, you can use one to teleport to any other you've been to before. [hider=Trivia]I shall be putting random facts that I think of over here that are not very important (Or are they...? Bwahahaha!) -Upon death, a Dragon Knight reverts to Dragon form, even if they are in human form. -True Dragons can also shapeshift, adding to the confusion between the difference between them and the Dragon Knights. However, unlike the Knights, True dragons can take any form not just that of a human, nor that of one human. [/hider] [B]We can always run into a couple more adventurers along the road. (We are accepting for the foreseeable future)[/B]