[center][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Department_of_state.svg/480px-Department_of_state.svg.png[/IMG] [B]United States Ambassador to the United Nations[/B][/center] Whilst it would be most desirable to end the conflict in the Korean peninsula, it is the opinion of the United States of America that the armistice offered by the United Nations Secretariat is not a viable solution for the long term. It can only be seen as a temporary measure that will allow the false regime in Pyongyang to bide its time and 'lick its wounds', whilst the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China inject it with money and arm it. Thus it is obvious that the only solution to this conflict will be the total eradication of the plague of communism from the Korean peninsula and the restoration of a united Korean nation following the principles of freedom and democracy. As a further measure, I would like to call on and plead with the nations of the free world to do what is right. To step forward and aid the United States in its battle against Communism and its evil perpetrators. --- [hider=Formatted Post]United States of America June, 1953 --- Communications: -Rejection of the proposed armistice -Denunciation of the North Korean, Chinese and Soviet regimes -American promise to see the war to a just conclusion -Call for other nations to step in for freedom and democracy --- Overt Actions: -US troops to continue their offensive manoeuvrings against North Korea -Draft of 150,000 men to be sent to fight in the Korean War[/hider]