[hider=Status] Location: With everyone else. Health: Great Inventory: Clothing, daggers, necklace, short bow, and a quiver full of arrows. Actions: Chatted with Kyrtaar and Rin, greeted Tarwin, offered up her knowledge of the Norn, gave the second option of using her rogue skills to collect intel on Mhundir's behalf. [/hider] Aevah was more than glad when she managed to wriggle her way out from under the body of the dead soldier that she'd been trapped under. Once she'd given the body a kick to free her still trapped ankle she wobbled to her feet, exhausted from her magical outburst and three days worth of starvation had her dizzy. Still, she was able to appreciate the sight of their salvation. She stayed out of the way during the comings and goings, busy scavenging from the bodies of the dead. She managed to find a bow and a quiver full of arrows and then climbed tiredly onto the horse that had been provided for her. ~*~ Several days later she was seated with the others, awaiting word from the prince and feeling much better now that she'd gotten a few meals into her. She spent most of her time chatting with Kyrtaar and Rin, now that his mouth was healing. Kyrtaar was rather knowledgeable about most things and he was the first elf she'd ever met who deigned to speak to her. She was curious about the elven side of her heritage but reluctant to ask him too much because despite their conversations he remained guarded and she wasn't sure if that was due to her human half or her occupation. Either way, she found she actually enjoyed his company when he wasn't buried in his books. With Rin, she was a touch more open... teasing him about the way he hissed somewhat when he spoke and asking about where he'd come from and what living with others of his kind was like. As for the others, despite their time together in the dungones she didn't know much about them... She didn't avoid them and would speak to whoever spoke to her and was usually friendly but she didn't give much of herself away either. She was whittling a design into the wood of her new bow with one of her daggers when the Prince entered. Aevah remained quiet through his explination and his request and then smiled happily at Tarwin. "Welcome back friend... it is good to see you are still alive and good to see our new friends decided to bring you to us rather than kill you on sight... They seem mildly jumpy..." She was a touch irritated that she'd escaped captivity only to be configned yet again, she disliked feeling trapped... Still, she could understand his Guard's caution. To them, they were all a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers... Not really the type you wanted running amok in your camp and they were probably all confused as to why the Prince had chosen to put any faith in them at all, and considering what he'd just asked of them he placed quite a bit of faith in all of them. Aevah, was both intrigued and happy that someone had decided she was worth trusting with something important... but a little less enthused about possibly putting her life in danger yet again. Still, she'd discovered she liked her odd mix of companions and so she sighed. She had an option for the prince but it was risky... extremely risky. "When I was young... I used to travel the forests along the Spine, as far as I could. While traveling I stumbled upon a place that... I do not think I was meant to be. Possibly, it was Kylmie's home... I don't know. All that I know for sure is that the water there was clearer than any I'd ever seen and there was a tree there, bigger than the others... it's branches seemed to travel through the entire forest. It was settled into a hill and at one point it's roots parted and you could crawl beneath. I was young and curious... I did so. I didn't know the tree belonged to a Fae... a Norn." She grimaced, "Because of my intrusion for which I had no reason, she cursed me with my mother's gift... I didn't know what that meant at the time... Now I do. Anyway, if you know anything about Norns you know that you can request ANYTHING of them... they will give it to you if it suits them... but they'll take something in return. The Norn could have a cure... I know where I found her, I could go there and speak to her. If that fails... I'm a half elf and a rogue, I could go to Nillanor and see what I can find. I am no good in outright combat, but I am with you if you need..."